The Septem Singularity part 3

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getting to the castle this time, they find Romulus as he is then confronted by Alcaeus to talk first.

Alcaeus:" listen Romulus, just give us the grail, and I'll fix Rome up, even fix some of the... questionable thing's that happened that I think even you don't approve of your Rome becoming"

Romulus:"... you plan to have the war with Boudica happen before her daughters and people get raped and ransacked by the breach in the contract from Rome's side and have it then start and then Rome losing to form a more uniformed Rome"

Alcaeus:"... you disagree with this, Nero will die, but Rome will last another 500 year's top's with this, and human history will hardly change much, and due to the involvement of all the parties, can you honestly say that you're proud of what your Rome will become if I don't do this"

silent, Romulus then says they will get their weapon's and perform one strike, whoever kills who will win, while he agreed with Alcaeus, he couldn't in good heart LET this happen to an emperor of Rome, so they get in position as Alcaeus and Romulus then strike, and as expected, Alcaeus's axe chop's Romulus's spear in 2 like a twig as he smiles as he dematerializes, as they get the grail, someone pop's their ugly head, a demon god pillar.

Alcaeus:" didn't I kill one of you already"


Alcaeus:" of course he didn't, did you not find out why, man, for a being supposably able to see the future, you're kind of a dumbass aren't you, go back to your temple of time trying to make your little make-believe world reality where there is no death and people can be happy, immortality doesn't equal happiness, ask any of the god's and goddesses, they'll tell you immortality suck's major ass, and not the good ass you want to eat"

Demon God Pillar:" you know where we are"

Alcaeus:" you sound surprised, I know where your little grails are as well too, one's in Okeanos in A.D. 1573, another's in London in A.D. 1888, Judaism in the Holy Land in A.D. 1273, North America in A.D. 1783, and the last one which hit's home for me and is very bold of you to try, Mesopotamia in B.C. 2655... did I miss anything, I could also name the micro singularities if you want you know, or do you want the location of your little temple of time as well said out loud"

Olga:" did he just do our job for us"

Solomon:" so he knew everything from the start, he knew what to do 5 step's ahead of everyone else before we could have even started"

Alcaeus:" I hope it's on record because if I have to fill it in myself, someone's getting a smack on the head, also, I was 25 step's ahead, not a measly 5, get it right" 

Demon God Pillar:"... you're far to dangerous to let live, YOU MUST DIE HERE NO-"

Alcaeus:" shut the hell up bitch, Christine, if you will "

the Demon God Pillar was then split into pieces in a second as each of the string's she pulled cut the Demon god up, one string pulled equaled 5 cut's, so all 5 string's being pulled was 25 cut's at once, everyone was in Awe at how strong she was as the singularity was basically over as Stheno asked why she acted as a pack mule then.

Alcaeus:" cause you're a ######## ##########"

the moment that exited his mouth, everyone's jaw's dropped as Boudica covered Ritsuka's ear's as everyone in Chaldea was rushing to delete that part of the recording from entering the records as many dropped their weapons and items as they were all in Awe at his mouth.


Alcaeus:" what, Ritsuka is old enough to hear bad word's"

Spartacus:" bad words is a severe understatement, that were so much, I lost my madness and have complete control over myself just by the sheer shock and level of... whatever that was just now from what you said"

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