Chapter 2

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POV Narrator

Nick Fury sat and watched the news

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Nick Fury sat and watched the news. The destruction of the Hulk and Ironman was....mind boggling but he knew they were screwed.

The people would fear them. Scream at the sight of the mightiest hero's...or so called hero's.

He gripped his phone before pinning the location of the jet.

Maria joined him as they flew through the air. At a fast rate.

The Avengers needed help and quickly.

They silently flew together and moved to the side of the Jet the avengers flew in.

"You mothafuckers need to learn how to stay in your lane." He spoke over the comm's making the group all look to the window.

"Fury?" Steve asked surprised and the one eyed man nodded.

"And if you want help....then you better follow me, now. Right now."

The Avengers nodded before following the jet which took a complete 180 degree turn making them do the same.

They flew for a few hours passing what Tony thought was Brazil and everyone was frowning.

"Where is he taking us?" Steve spoke out and each mate looked to each other.

"Clint? Natasha? You two knew him best."

The two just shook their heads as they were again over the open ocean. It was leading them to an island they have never seen before.

"What is that?" Bruce spoke quiet and softly making the others look to him and the island before speeding up to land on the island as Fury did.

They quickly walked out and looked to see a couple of mountain goats and a little bit of cattle.

"Fury...what are we doing here?" Tony asked and the one eyed man just motioned for them to follow him.

They walked for what seemed like half an hour at most before they came upon the home.

It was a decent size. A garage outside with multiple types of vehicles.

The grass green as they could see what they assumed is a green house on the side.

Everyone went to walk forward but Fury stopped them. "I am going to say this once. Do not and I repeat...Do not piss them off." He growled and they looked to him with pure confusion.

He walked forward until they all were standing on the front door. Instead of knocking like a normal person he moves inside.

The others watched him as he stepped inside the dark home.

It was to dark. To dark for their small, weak eyes.

"Fury i thi-" Steve was cut off but a flash and he held up his shield as Thor gripped his hammer tightly.

When World's Collide (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें