Chapter 5

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POV Narrator

"We have a private jet taking off

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"We have a private jet taking off."

"I can take out the driver." Clint spoke over the comms.

"No, the gem could level out the city." Steve commanded back.

He jumped off and onto the truck holding Ultron and the gem.


Cap slid on the door when Ultron looked at it, "Leave me alone!"

He shot a blast through the door before sending cap in the air.

"Well he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him cap."

"Thanks Barton."

"But I am."

Reyna came flying by on a bike. She had to keep herself in disguise for now.

She looked to the truck before throwing her leg over one side and launching herself onto the truck.

It, leaving a dent, in the side from where she hit.

Ultron watched as her hand broke through wall and he fired a blast at her making her growl under her breath before crawling up and onto the roof.

Cap swung up top next to her. He for a moment admired how she looked so fearless. So careless.

She looked relaxed.

Ultron came floating up and said something that she didn't listen to and quickly gripped Cap's hand swinging herself behind him as he held up his shield.

The blast bounced off the shield doing absolutely nothing.

Steve then threw the shield which implanted in Ultrons chest.

"Stop it!" He hissed tossing the shield to the side.

Reyna's eyes followed the shield not paying attention to the fight whispering under her breath before looking to Ultron.

He kicked Cap back before looking to Reyna and tilted his head at her.

" don't know you."

He spoke and she kept her eyes blank before charging him.


She dodged one of his hits and turned catching his metal fist coming towards her face.

He watched as she had no problem holding the hand away from her before swinging him into the roof of the truck.

"Ray! Shield!" Natasha yelled and the female caught the shield with no problem before using it as a cover from a blast from Ultron.

Reyna's glove covered hand gripped Cap's hand as they covered themselves. From the blast.

"Go! Help Nat! I can take care of him."

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