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•Abuse description•


"Yes, love?"

"What is that on your neck?"

Lando's eyes quickly widened, his hands reacting on their own and flying to his neck, gripping it as he turned around to look at Sara. She was standing behind him, she turned off the stove and crossed her hands in front of her chest. "I asked, what is that on your neck"

Lando backed away a little, "It's probably just a bug bite or something"

"Then why did you react like that"

"Like what?"

"DON'T LIE TO ME LANDO NORRIS," Sara yelled surprising Lando. Her eyes burning holes on his face. "I'll ask one last time. What. Is. That. On. Your. Neck"

Sara wanted to cry as rage filled her body. She felt tears burning hot sliding down her cheeks. Glaring at him then spat out, "HOW DARE YOU?" How could he cheat on her, they have been dating for two years, and he dares to throw everything they have built together just like that, as if it was nothing.

Lando could only look down in shame, he had no excuses, there was no point in fighting with her. He did wrong, he certainly did. And it was all his fault. Lando couldn't look at Sara anymore, her eyes were full of tears and she looked so devastated that his heart felt a pang in it.

"You slept with that whore?!" She yelled once again, her broken voice echoing all through the house.

"Don't call her a whore" Lando whispered. It wasn't only her fault, it was on the both of them, and Taylor was certainly not a whore.

"So you did sleep with her" she murmured, swallowing her tears as she shook her head. "You're a piece of shit"

"And can you blame me?" He raised his voice, something Lando rarely did. "You were the cause of it, all of it," Lando couldn't take it anyone, he was tired of pretending everything was okay between the two of them, and just because they had been together for a long time didn't mean he would forgive her so easily. "I love you... kinda. Um-I guess what my brain is trying to spit up is... I would love you if you were kinder. It's just that when it comes to our love between each other, you take far more than you give. And, well, I'm okay with giving a lot, but you've become so entitled to it that it makes me think you don't feel the same for me. . . And even then you still say I don't love you enough and look down on everything I do for you. Even now I can see the blame in your eyes, the disgust multiplying at my 'failure'. You do anything but face the true reason for your pain. I know I did wrong by having sex with Taylor, I know it, but I also know how often you leave the house in the middle of the night to God's knows where. I know there's another guy, and I certainly know you have been cheating on me for a year now"

His words struck Sara, she had no idea he knew. Most of the time he was out traveling the world, she felt so lonely on her own that her only reasonable option was to get in another relationship while she still had Lando by her side once in a while.

"I'm done being drained"

Then the next thing he saw was Sara coming up to him before she slapped him.

"Sara, please calm down, we can talk about this when you are mor-"

A searing shot of pain ran up through his body, a scream escaping his lips as the devastating sounds bounced off the kitchen room's walls. He felt like he was about to throw up, his vision blurring as he tried to stay standing, but the excruciating pain he felt on his abdomen was too much to take on and he fell down to the floor, hugging himself. He heard as something was shoved off the table before hitting the floor and glass shuttered everywhere. A few pieces of glass reached his feet, and even some managed to stick to his legs. Lando could do nothing but burst into silent tears, not even asking her to stop knowing that this makes her even more angry.

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