Cali baby

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Taylor felt numb. Tired more than anything, yet she decided that instead of taking a plane back to New York, she will do the long journey from California to her home, avoiding to her best attempt to tell the truth to her family; she wasn't accepted in medical school. Although her parents weren't strict to her or her brothers, it still terrifies to say she failed in something she has looked forward for years.

Her dreams, how stupid she sounds now. The disgrace of the family more like it. It took everything in her to not disappear and never come back.

Though that was the plan for the summer of 2021, or at least half of it.

She was going all alone, no phone allowed and only in case of an emergency Taylor would use it. She was ready to enjoy the almost last summer of her teenage years, something she has never done before.

Lando felt numb. It became too much for him. The media. The comments. The pressure. His family. He felt like he was slowly sinking on a ship and didn't know how to escape it.

He never imagined the pressure of Fomula One finally getting to him. He knew everything that came with the job, yet he was slowly crumbling onto himself. He was known around as the joker, the funny relaxed guy of the sport, someone who could always have a laugh, but lately the hate comments have been too much for him. His light bubbly personality was no longer there and even if people were starting to notice, nobody dared to ask him how he was coping with the pressure.

He didn't know where the sudden urge to grab a car and drive to God knows where came from, especially in a country he wasn't familiar with, but he did and now he was completely lost in the middle of nowhere, no phone with him and not a single car driving around. Lando felt hopeless but didn't panic, he couldn't care less if he was murdered or kidnapped. Anything could be better than having to go back to the solitude of his hotel room, where he would be forced to be by his own thoughts.

Taylor didn't know what came over her, her parents clearly taught her to not stop in the middle of nowhere to help a guy she didn't know, but she laughed and said to herself 'Fuck it, if I die, I die'.

Her car came to a stop next to the guy sitting on the side of the road, he was staring down at his lap, probably too focused on his thoughts to even notice the car that pulled up in front of him.

"Hello, are you alright? Do you need any help?" Taylor asked once she rolled down the window.

The guy looked up, green eyes meeting with green eyes. Taylor smiled gloomily at how miserable he looked; his eyes bloodshot red, heavy eyebags and brown hair messy. He probably wasn't past the age of 20, which in a way gave Taylor a sense of false confidence knowing he was young like her (and wouldn't suddenly murder her).

"Are you lost?" Taylor asked again once she caught his attention.

"No—I mean yes. The car suddenly broke down and my phone died so I can't to call someone to come help me." He said, Taylor instantly picked up the British accent.

"I can lend you mine if you want." She said grabbing her phone from the passenger seat.

The guy stood up, coming closer to the car, "Yes, that would be great, thank you." Taylor grinned and passed him the phone.

While he called somebody, she took the time to take a better look at him. For starters the car was a McLaren, and although Taylor knows nothing about car brands she can at least tell them apart and genuinely, a car like that isn't owned by a nobody, it is expensive. The guy was also wearing a watch, a Richard Mille to be exact, another thing that was luxurious.

"Thank you," he said giving back the phone.

She grabbed her phone back, frowning, "Is somebody coming for you?"

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