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       "Max" Taylor call for him as she watched him pace around the kitchen. Max kindly made her breakfast the following morning, although the pancakes he made weren't that good, Taylor still ate them as he had a smile on his face because he felt very proud of his food.


"Are we not going to talk about it?" She asked then. Max avoided looking at her, which was very difficult since she was sitting on the kitchen counter watching his every move.

"What about?"


"What about it?" He asked once again. If he showed her that he gave the situation less matter, Taylor will probably drop it. "If you are worried about me telling him, I won't. Promise"

Out if the corner of his eye, he could see as Taylor drowned herself deep into her thoughts. Her face dropping as she thought about Lando. The high of weekend soon gone as her mind came back to reality.

Max sighted as he placed the last plate down on the cabinet. He hates to see Taylor so down, the bubbly personality he meet her with was long gone, she rarely showed her carefree spirit and for it all he partly blamed himself. "I'll take you home, come on" she nodded and hopped off the counter going to look for her luggage.

As expected, Taylor slept the night at Max's, although it wasn't really for sleep. She felt like a whore, or more like this proved to her she was indeed a slut. It was sickening how she was able to sleep with Max all the while her mind pictured Lando with her.

"Taylor" Max said once the car came to a stop outside of her apartment building. He saw how for all the ride Taylor was swimming in thoughts—bad thoughts—due to her facial expressions betraying her. He wanted to do something about it, anything, but he didn't know how to approach the girl. He himself grew up with repressed feelings and abusive behavior shown towards him, he had no idea how to express his frustration or anger or any feeling for the matter, he understood Taylor to a greater extent for the thoughts she was going through, and for this Max beated himself even harder for not being able to help a soul that was slipping from life right in front of him. "He does like you— like, really like you" he assured her, only to calm her down a bit.

Her green eyes stared right back at him, the morning light of Monaco illuminating her eyes to an even lighter shade of color, and Max for the first time realized how many freckles she had on her face, "Then why is he still with her?"

"To forget about you. Just like you did last night with me"

Taylor stayed silent, her eyes diverting towards a mother with her son crossing the street. She missed her family. A lot. "I'm sorry" she murmured, feeling terribly disgusted with herself, even more so knowing Max knew she used him.

"Don't be, I had fun" he chuckled a little, his icy blue eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled at her. "Go on. Go and relax" Max instructed her, opening the door for her.

He waited for Taylor to leave the car but she never moved. Instead, her glossy eyes turned to look at him and Max knew this was her breaking point. He showed her a loving smile as he unbuckled his seatbelt, knowing Taylor needed someone at the moment and he was determined to come with her to her apartment for the rest of the day, "How about we watch some porn?"

Taylor chuckled remembering their own stupid joke, a few tears running down her cheeks as she stared at him, "Alright, Mrs Kennedy"

Lando saw his hands shaking as be pressed the elevator button. He nervously fidgeted around as he tried to organize his thoughts, his mind playing over and over again any possible outcome for what was about to unfold. His legs carried him towards her front door, knocking on the door impatiently waiting for her to open it up.

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