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"We've done a lot of stuff you like, how about something I like?" Lando said to Taylor with a smirk on his face.

Taylor gave him a quick look before returning her gaze to the road. They were aimlessly driving around Indianapolis looking for something to do. They already had lunch and went to different shopping centers. Taylor bought new clothes, unnecessary in Lando's opinion, but it was mainly due to his anger at her for having to carry all her bags.

"Like what?"

"Racing" a malicious smile creeped up to his face. Sooner or later it was going to happen, unfortunately it happened sooner and his love for racing came crimping in. Indiana was known to be one of the states in the US to constantly hold illegal street racing, he wanted to see what all the hype was about and considering he wasn't so well known around here, it was his opportunity to experience a street race.

"I'm not sure if there is a track here in Indiana"

"I don't either, but I do know the state is known for street racing"

The smile that appeared on Taylor's face was like the Cheshire Cat, she couldn't stop grinding at Lando.

"So that's a yes?" Lando asked already knowing the answer. He watched her eyes lighten up, her whole mood lifting in an instant.

Both of her older brothers constantly attended illegal street racing, sometimes even taking Taylor with them. But they were too afraid to participate in a race, it was a dangerous thing to do, but looking at Lando's eyes, there was this trust feeling she got, maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

"Fuck yeah"

Lando has no idea she loved cars so much, which was even weirder because if she loved them, how come she wasn't into Formula 1?

Lando tried to go in a disguise, although it was just a cap and a pair of sunglasses, though it was almost midnight. He didn't want to be recognized, and he of course would as it was a race for God's sake, at least someone was going to stare. Taylor wasn't going to lie, it was a weird crowd. Not people she was used to seeing but nevertheless she loved the atmosphere. So far they only watched cars race against each other in a straight line in a highway. She was also surprised by the amount of money people brought for doing bets, there could easily be a million dollars in just between the 80 people that were there.

"I think we should leave" Taylor suddenly said, pulling on Lando's sleeve trying to get him out of there as soon as she could.

"Why? Aren't you having a good time?" He asked back. He was having way too much fun watching people arguing about racing or cars, most of the times they were wrong but he didn't want to intervene and bring unnecessary attention to him.

"No you don't understand Lando, always when midnight comes a person in randomly chosen to race against the best racer of the group, all around the city" she said to him, her voice showing how worried she was. "We could be those people"

Lando still stared at her. For a moment he forgot Taylor didn't know what he did for a living as he thought that if he was chosen he would win. He even surprised himself with his overconfident thoughts. "Okay we can leave."

He grabbed her hand, pulling her through the crowd. Just as they were about to leave Taylor was grabbed by a tall dude, who pulled her to the middle of the crowd. Lando yelled her name trying to grab her back, he couldn't lose sight of her as he tried to go after her.

The guy that grabbed her dropped Taylor next to another scary looking guy. He was full of tattoos and piecings, his hair was dyed blond and a malicious grin was on his face.

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