[ 39 ]

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See, here's the thing.

A sport is a sport. No matter how much people get along, how many inside jokes there are or how seemly nice everyone acts.

The vibes, the competition and the snarky remarks will always be there. And at the end of the day everything good must come to an end.

It's just that Taylor didn't think it'll be this early.

"Why are you looking so sad?" The strong accent of Charles came to her ears that morning.

Taylor still wasn't used to living in Monaco. Almost everybody knows each other here and you could run into the same person about three times a week.

Her face lit up in happiness at seeing a friendly face she knows about, she partly blames Max for her sadness because instead of coming to Monaco with her, he went to visit his family which left her all alone to deal with her horrible thoughts.

"Do I look that sad?" Taylor asked half smiling at Charles.

He quickly sat down across from her at the small shop she was eating breakfast. "You do look depressing"

Surprisingly a chuckle came out of her mouth, momentarily laughing with Charles. Now that she notices, he's wearing sportive clothes and is slightly sweaty. "No seriously, are you alright?"

Without intending to her eyes watered in a second, her mind instantly thinking about Lando and the way she yelled at him. She feels like shit for treating him like that and now pride and also shyness didn't let herself call him to explain what happened.

Not even she understands what happened.

One moment she was angry and the next it was as if someone took control over her whole body causing her to treat Lando terribly.

"Gigi, please say something—is everything okay? Can I help?" Charles suddenly moves forward grabbing her hand giving it a squeeze.

Taylor quickly swallows her tears, sucking it up while shaking her head. "I'm good... just a little sad and overwhelmed"

Charles nods understanding, "want to walk around and talk?" He suggests hoping she says yes. He would hate himself to leave her like that but he still has to complete the steps his trainer asked him to do for the day.

She nods slowly, standing up not before leaving money on the table.

Who would of thought Charles could be a great listener and company?

Taylor barely spoke to him after he forcefully gave her a kiss, it all became too awkward to even look at his face properly but the more they walked together the city of Monaco the more she realized how much she missed having him around.

Charles is such a nice person, he always made sure she felt comfortable, he can hold a great conversation and the best with him is that no silence ever became awkward. He is funny as well, like the type of funny that is effortless and never tries too hard.

But he never asked her why she seemed so sad or why her smile disappears so soon after laughing. He understood sometimes people don't want to share stuff and the best he could offer is company to pass the time.

"Congrats on winning the last race" Taylor says, a smile growing on her face at seeing Charles' eyes lit up in excitement.

"Thank you, it's been a while since I was on the podium" he replied. "It's a shame you had a penalty, I would've of loved to shower you in champagne"

Taylor chuckles a little. Although she started last, she managed to end the race in a p5 which isn't that bad. "Yeah... all Lando's fault"

The atmosphere suddenly turns uncomfortable and that's when Charles realizes her sadness, she must have fought with Lando.

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