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"I finally got your number ;)"

Taylor read the text message she got on her phone. Grabbing her phone she quickly replied with a who are you and waited to see who it was. Not long enough another message popped up:

"Take a guess"

She had no clue who could it possibly be but sent the first name that came to her mind.




"No :( "


At this point Taylor was naming family, she let out a loud laugh every time she hit send, she was just messing around but seriously had no clue who could it possibly be. Not until it clicked and she thought of Lando, it had to be him, there was nobody else that could be.



"How are you?"
"Congrats on winning btw"

During the following days to the next grand prix Taylor spent them texting Lando or in the simulator. She also got more confident about herself. The media was no longer at the back of her neck, instead they were praising her for being the only girl in between the drivers and still in a B team managing to score a solid p7 in her first ever race. In a way she felt sad, as all the negativity was turned to Sergio Perez, the poor guy was being burned alive on all social media platforms for still not being able to perform the way he should in a RedBull. But sadly that's how things are in the toxic community of Formula 1, Taylor just had to move on and perform her best so she won't be dragged down the way they are doing to Checo.

The media day of the Bahrain Grand Prix was more exciting than she would have expected. She and Alex were called to do multiple interviews, most of them were actually fun to do as they involved games or trivia questions.

"Where are we going?" Taylor asked Stella as the later one dragged her out of the room the moment the camera stopped recording. She was actually having a good time with Alex before she was pulled away literally by her hair.

"Sad news for you," Stella said, stopping mid sentence as she stood for a moment thinking about what direction to go, "But you'll be doing an interview with Max" she said once they resumed walking.

"What- But why?" Suddenly her good mood was gone, Taylor protested as she followed Stella, "He hates me! Who could possibly think it was a great idea to pair us together?"

"Come one Gigi, if you are nice to him, he won't be rude to you" She said, pulling her by the arm so they could walk side by side, "I actually think you two can become great friends" Taylor let out a humorless laugh at this, "He's funny as well"

Taylor gave her a stern look when she said that last part. "Ha ha- just wait until he shows so much hate to me during that interview that they'll be forced to delete the video"

They had to wait exactly an hour for Max to show up, and when he did the bitch didn't even say hi to her. It was actually starting to get inside Taylor's skin his rude attitude towards her.

"So we'll ask some questions and you'll either answer true or false, each one of you will have a red card if you want to scape a question but can only use it once. Understood?"

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