The Grand Canyon

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The trip to the Grand Canyon wasn't as smoothly as Taylor thought it would be. For starters Lando insisted to drive for this time, Taylor couldn't say no to this as she was so tired her eyes were dropping on their own. She now trusted Lando enough to give him the car keys and not to murder her when she wasn't expecting.

While she catched up on some sleep, Lando somehow managed to get lost about three times, it wasn't until the fifth time that he decided to wake Taylor up. He had no idea where they were, all the highways looked the same, an endless straight with hundreds of exists.

"Why didn't you use google maps?" Taylor asked laughing, even though it was funny to see him desperate, Taylor was actually worried since they could be in New Mexico or Texas instead of Arizona. "Okay Lando come down, it's not a big deal, give me your phone"

Lando didn't hesitate to give her his phone. Taylor instantly noticed his lockscreen, an orange Formula 1 car. Even though she had no knowledge about the sport, Taylor still knew the basics since her father and brother was a hardcore fan of it. Quickly she looked for where the heck they were at the moment, releasing a relief sigh when she saw they were just twenty minutes away from the national park.

"We're not too far away from the park, just stay on this line and we'll be fine" she said while giving Lando back his phone.

"Sorry for waking you up" Lando apologized while smiling a little.

Taylor instantly smiled just like him, "it's okay. Have you eaten anything yet?"

"No, Is there food at the back?" He chucked looking sideways at Taylor.

Taylor rolled her eyes playfully,"No, but we should stop somewhere, McDonnals?"

Lando thought about his diet for a second, but end up not thinking about it twice before replying with an enthusiastic yes to Taylor.
They both sat at the nearest Mcdonnals they found, enjoying their meal in a comfortable silence. Everything was fine until Taylor started to notice how multiple people stared at them more than usual, she could have been paranoid but it definitely was strange how more than once she made eye contact with people looking at them, they completely looked the other way in shame.

Did her family notified the police station about her disappearance? It was the only reasonable thought she could think about since so many people were constantly sending glares their way.

Even Lando was starting to notice how uncomfortable Taylor was looking. He was used to the constant stares and whispers anyway, unlike her. So he just stood up and took Taylor out of there even if she hadn't finished her food and clamming he wanted to see the Grand Canyon before the sun was setting, although it was still midday.

The ten minutes left to the Grand Canyon were spent with the both of them singing songs in the car. Surprisingly they had very similar music taste and if not the both of them were pretty open about new songs.

The Grand Canyon in little words was boring.

Taylor remembered all the experience to be magical and amazing, but it wasn't. Yeah sure the pictures they got and the scenery was beautiful but that was it. She could have sworn it was more existing but then again the first time she was here was when she was seven, everything at that age is exciting no matter what.

Lando on the other hand was taking pictures of everything and anything, dragging her around as he didn't want to miss anything. Taylor understood him, he was a foreign that probably was never going to come back ever again, for Taylor it was practically like a next door kinda thing so she enjoyed his excitement.

"Lan, do you mind if I sit for a moment?" Taylor was too tired to keep up with him, her legs and feet were killing her.

"Sure, just don't get lost" Taylor nodded and left towards some chairs with a few older people sitting there.

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