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Taylor only noticed recently how much Lando changed with the media for good, and she wasn't the only one to notice. Social media was full on talking about it, everyone clearly noticed how cheerful Lando was once again in front of the camera, all the fans were talking about how he looked twenty years old once again, they were all happy for having their old Lando back, even if he was never really gone.

Partly it had to do with Taylor, his family and friends quickly realized this, along with the speculation Taylor was the mystery girl Lando ran away with a few years back. It was killing their family to know if it really was Taylor, and as the saying goes, curiosity kill the cat, or was it mouse?

And that's why Cisca, Lando's mother, found herself looking for the young girl around the paddock. The woman just wanted to speak with her, it intrigued her so much how Taylor was, everything regarding the young girl was exciting and new. It was unlikely she was going to find her, but after spotting her
brown/reddish hair, Cisca practically ran towards her and pretended to just see her.


She turned around to see a woman standing there with her arms wide open. Taylor had no clue who she was, she did look familiar but Taylor seriously had no idea who the woman was.

Taylor awkwardly smiled, trying to be polite even though she was getting nervous, starting to play with the sleeves of her race suit that was tied around her waist.

Cisca instantly noticed Taylor had no idea who she was and with a soft smile she spoke, "Taylor, I'm Lando's mother Cisca. It's very nice to meet you"

Taylor instantly calmed down and a smile brightly took place on her face, "Oh my bad, I'm very sorry for not knowing, it's nice to meet you as well"

"You've grown so much since the last time I saw you" the older woman said, Lando wasn't wrong when he said she was good looking. "You are looking beautiful as well"

Taylor doubted she looked nice at the moment, she was all sweaty and with her hair up in a bun sticking all over the place, but either way she thanked the woman politely even though she never knew what to do in this kind of situations.

"I'm really happy to see you again, it's been a while" she spoke with a motherly tone of voice. Lando's mother wanted to tell and ask her so many things, among them thank her for bringing Lando to be more happy once again, but really had to restrain herself from saying that to the poor thing that looked so anxious. "Is your mother here today, sweetheart?"

Taylor found it odd, she wasn't sure if her mother would remember Cisca, Taylor's mother wasn't present for a very long time during her karting competitions because of the divorce, she doubted her mother would remember much but nevertheless answered back, "Yes, yes, she's eating lunch with my father"

Taylor walked with her towards the main building of the paddock, making small conversation, asking how she was doing and how her weekend had been so far. Spain was an interesting country that definitely had something fun to offer, except for the track, because that was the most boring one so far.

Once in the building Taylor told Cisca where to find her mother, she couldn't go with her because she needed to do interviews after the qualifying she just did.

Taylor walked back to where all the media were at, she spotted Stella speaking with a woman in McLaren clothes along with Daniel Ricciardo.

"Where have you been?" Stella asked, her voice a little too loud for Taylor's liking.

She grabbed the water bottle from her before answering,"Lando's mother was looking for my mom so I helped her" she murmured a small hello towards Daniel, who flashed her a bright smile.

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