The drawing

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It had been almost a week since the last time she saw Lando. Taylor found herself constantly daydreaming about him or reliving the memories they made together almost all day.

The feeling Taylor was experiencing was all too strange for her, the only other time she has ever felt so down was when her grandfather passed away when she was fourteen. Every time she would think about Lando or see something that reminds her of him, she felt like her chest was being burst open and a sudden sadness would consume her. Her mind always seemed to go to the thought about him no matter how hard she tried to distract herself.

As a dristraction Taylor unpacked all her clothes and reorganized her closet, when she was unfolding a shirt out a piece of paper fell down. She quickly grabbed the paper and unfolded it to find a child like drawing of her and Lando holding hands, at the background of the drawing were multiple representative things of the destinations of the trip, like a tent and a snowboard.

Taylor sadly smiled as a sob left her mouth followed by tears falling from her eyes.

I lied, I have no clue how to draw but here's my drawing of you.
I don't need to draw you naked to find you beautiful.


She couldn't believe he still remembered the conversation they had on the first night of their trip.

As a way of distraction from her sadness, Taylor's parents told her to clean the attic and get rid of anything that wasn't useful. They could feel how saw she was, almost looking dreppressed.

Taylor first started with cleaning and organizing everything, the room was all dusty and full of spider webs.

She went through different boxes full of trophies of her karting days, certificates and pictures of memories Taylor couldn't even remember she had. Now that she looked back at it, she was actually really good within the sport. She even won a karting championship when she was eleven.

Suddenly a picture caught her eye, at the back of it said July of 2011 Lando Norris, so she most have been nine. When she turned the picture around Taylor's eyes scanned the paper before her eyes stared at this one boy that was standing to her right. He was clearly older than her, the both of them were holding first place trophies, their smiles lighting up their faces. While the boy's hand was holding the trophy the other was around her shoulders seeming to pull her closer.

Taylor suddenly stopped smiling as she recognized the boy, that was Lando, her Lando.

His last name was Norris.

She couldn't believe she knew Lando before, she was right after all.

And just like that a memory came to her mind like a flashlight.

Third of July, 2011

Taylor Clemonte walked after her father as he pushed her kart towards the track with the help of her older brother Logan. The small girl was gripping hard the pink helmet in her hands. Her mother was far behind her, trying to control her two younger brothers.

She looked around her while her father positioned the kart in their reserved spot, doing a few changes to the car here and there, meanwhile Taylor noticed Robert Shawartzman to her left looking at her, she lifted her right hand to shyly wave at him, him politely returning the gesture.

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