
The shop keeper turned at the sudden words you had said, taking a double look before realizing who stood before him. "(Y/N)? I wasn't expecting to find you here."

"Neither was I."

"I decided to come back to London after the Exposition Universelle ended, but I never believed that I would come back to find it in this state." The terror stricken expression was clear on his face as he turned back to view the burning city. "All those people that are out there. I can't help but worry about them."

With a grim expression and lips pressed in a straight line, you peered out to city agreeing with what the shop keeper had said. "Do you have any family?"

"No, it's just been me," James replied.

It was suddenly then that Ciel darted away, heading over to a crew mate of the ship and was urgently speaking to him, but you couldn't hear a word that he was saying with how far away the two of them were. "I'm sorry, but I got to go."

Before James could respond, you had already dashed off to where Ciel was and upon getting closer to where he was with the crew mate, your eyes widened upon noticing that he was handing his blue diamond ring over to the man.

"Ciel! What are you doing? That ring is important to you!"

Ciel was silent, watching as the crew mate went off somewhere, most likely to fetch something for Ciel. "I don't need that ring anymore. Besides, I figured that it was a fair trade for a boat to London. I have to get there no matter what."

"But..." You trailed off, knowing that there was nothing you could say that would change Ciel's mind. "Alright. If you think this is the best thing that we should do, then I'll stand by your decision."

"Thank you..."

You couldn't tear your eyes from the figure of the earl that stood directly in front of you, the earl a lot more distant the he ever was which only made you even more distressed than before. What was going on in his mind?


"Your boat is ready."

The crew mate had interrupted you, the man having peered around the corner of the wall to inform Ciel that the boat he had fetched for the earl was ready to use. Ciel only gave the man a nod of his head before walking after him to where the boat was being stored at and with a grim expression, you followed after him, staying silent as you figured it was best for the moment. The man led the way over the deck, bringing both Ciel and you to the back of the ship to where he gestured to another ship that had pulled up next to it, it being one that was still planning to dock at London.

"Thanks." Ciel was curt in saying this and without another word, he stepped up the gangway that led up to the other ship.

You simply gave the man a small smile, one that didn't reached your eyes, and you stepped up after Ciel, following Ciel up the platform and onto the deck of the other ship that was filled with passengers from France. The platform was pulled back to the ship and without a waste, the ship that Ciel and you were standing on immediately continued its trek to the docks.

Ciel was quiet as he gazed out across the harbor, his eyes locked onto the red flames that danced in the horizon.

"Hey Ciel."

He didn't say anything, but you knew that he was listening by the way he had angled his body towards you.

"Are you... Are you alright?"

This question had been on the back of your mind ever since you had been reunited with the boy, having grown worried with his demeanor.

"I've just have a lot that's on my mind." He paused, turning to look at you with a apologetic look on his face and as you peered further into his eye, you noted that they were tired beyond belief, the hints of uncertainty, doubt and apprehension swirling in it. "I'm sorry if I've made you worried."

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