Pack Up Your Troubles and Smile

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Narrator POV:





Y/N was a sorcerer, like doctor strange but more powerful. A beautiful, smart British sorcerer which Hydra had created through serums and torture. The women they were fighting was created by Hydra too, less powerful but had no remorse, the torture had done that, made the women a crazed killer. 

As the last spells where produced, the women exploded in a burst of blood, leaving an astonished Avengers team and a beautiful young women. 

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark" Iron man introduced himself immediately, he could feel the beauty radiating of the sorceress, enchanting anyone who happened to lay eyes on her. Leaving men and women alike confessing the wildest stories to the lady. 

"Hello Mr Stark, my name is Y/N L/N" She confessed with a calm smile, her heart rate telling otherwise.

She was afraid. She had just protected her Bucky and he was here. With no clue who she was or more importantly, who she had been. She was wrong. 

"These are the Avengers" He sighed longingly, 'she must be a super model' he spoke internally, leaving Wanda hitting him on the arm.

"I'm aware"

"And your future family, Miss l/N" A voice spoke out in the darkness. A man with a black eye patch and black suit stalked out of the shadows, not loosing eye contact with the witch.

"Director Fury, so we meet again" She replied curtly, venom lining her words.

"We do" He nodded, ignoring the long stare she was throwing his way. A small smirk formed on the mans face.

"How's life"

He knew her weakness. As soon as he had known the name of 'Hydra's Daughter' he knew the connection she and the Winter Soldier had through files the fallen SHIELD had held. 

"I am fine Director. I have been on the run for the last couple of weeks but fine." She snapped instantly, she was defensive of what she had done in the past, she wasn't very proud of what she had done at Hydra.

The confused silence buzzed through the room, who had she been running from? Who even was she?  Bucky knew. He remembered. Everything. She used to tell stories of how she would escape Hydra and go on the run only eating plums and bathing in the sun. He slowly stepped forward, out of his hiding place behind Steve. A small tear escaped Y/N's eyes at the sight of him. She was tired and weak, she had ran a long way.

"Hey doll, pack up your troubles and smile" He said, everyone gasping at Bucky's no longer shy facade. 

A low sigh escaped her lips as she fell from exhaustion into Bucky's arms. Steve couldn't help but notice the small smile playing on his longest friends plump lips.

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