Whose Y/N?

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Hello. My name is Y/N L/N. I am 21 years old and from England. I was stolen as a baby by what the world knows as Hydra. For years of my childhood, I was raised to kill with no remorse. I still remember growing up with the Winter Soldier. He seemed never to age, he didn't know who I was of course, but I did. Greatest assassin ever they called him. 

No until I was 18 did I ever connect with this mysterious man. 


I was chained up in my cell, earlier that day I have assassinated a man called Mr Silk, I was grieving him, an idea to Hydra as treason but what choice do I have? It's not like death is worse than my life. This stinking hell whole of a life. I had just served my 'punishment' for existing. 

I was meant to be an example. 

An example, to all the other Soldiers that I am nothing more than a piece in there games. That we are nothing. 

I was sat on the cold floor, arms and legs chained to the wall and I started to sing...

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
And smile, smile, smile.
Don't let your joy and laughter hear the snag
Smile boys, that's the style
What's the use of worrying
It never was worth while

So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
And smile, smile, smile.
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
And smile, smile, smile.

Just pucker up and whistle
What's the use of worrying
It never was worth while

So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
And smile, smile, smile.

I heard rustling from the next cell, probably a soldier coming to scream at me to shut it. But what I heard was unexpected, a man, with a low, husky voice repeated the last stanza of the song. It was beautiful.

It made me have hope for humanity that I had some how lost. 

End of Flashback

After that day, every night I would sing with the mysterious man, and it would brighten my days. Sometimes, for weeks he would be gone and then return, like nothing happened. It gave me something to cling to, something normal in my murderous life.

Time Skip to the battle in the city with Hydra, Steve, Bucky and Sam:

I was watching in one of the alley ways as what looked like Captain America, The Falcon and a guy with black armour came towards my spot. They were looking for me...and I'm guessing it wasn't for a nice coffee and chat. Since my escape from Hydra, I've been on the run but that couldn't stop me from some harmless prancing on the Avengers. 

For example, the other week I pretended to kill a man but really it was just a dummy, Tony Stark, THE Tony Stark nearly cried. I almost wanted them to find me, so I could serve the rightful punishments for the evil crimes I've committed over my life. 

Then I saw them, Black Widow was being beaten up by a Hydra agents, breaking her com in the process. I couldn't help feel guilty that that could've been my fate if I hadn't escaped, hurting a women fighting for the greater good. 

Suddenly, Captain America, The Falcon and the Armour guy where kicking the crap out of some Hydra Agents, the Armour guy killing 11 in the process. Impressive. 

Suddenly, they were surrounded, they were spinning on there heels looking at all the Hydra, that could, WOULD, kill them in a heart beat. Then I saw him.

James Buchanan Barnes. 

The Winter Soldier.

My singing partner.

They guy I nearly died for...


I couldn't let him be captured only when he's been in freedom for a year. I didn't nearly waste my life for nothing.

It was a risk.

A big one.

The longer I'm near him the longer I put him in danger of remembering me. I had to. I saw a big black Range Rover being parked out the alley way. I picked the lock easily and hopped in, I had my gun in the holster ready for battle. It was now or never.

With a deep breath I started the engine.

I sped down towards the Hydra agents, killing them with no mercy. They deserve none. I see a Hydra tank shooting at the car, in one slick movement I open the car door, leaning out by twisting the seat belt round my wrist and perfectly aiming at the monster of people. I saw Captain America and Bucky watching me, marvel ing at my skills no doubt. 

I wanted to turn myself in. I wanted to see Bucky again.

But no, I can't be near him or it's more of a risk for his life. With that I hack into the car, cutting of any traceable parts and speeding away into the distance.

Wondering what might of been if I had turned myself in.


Hey Everyone! Author here! This is my first fan fiction so I hope you enjoy. I'm always open to requests and I'll try to update everyday. 

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