"Don't you dare"

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They where coming

To get Bucky

And kill him

There where going to kill him

And it was all her fault

Y/N screamed as her arms pumped side to side, trying to be faster. She needed to get to the Avengers tower. NOW.

Inside the Avengers Tower

All the Avengers where in the big living room, chatting about random topics. They needed a break from the Hydra's daughter business. They had called Buck's hallucinations down to stress not anything more. A massive window on the left sported the room, floor to ceiling. 


Shards of glass splintered everywhere. 

An evil cackle burst through the air as a tall women with straight greasy hair and a crazed look in her eyes landed in the room followed by 6 hooded and masked figures. 

"The Avengers" She spoke dully, like she was totally not interested in being there.

"How...lovely" Her sarcastic tone made Tony Stark chuckle.

"Who the hell are you?" Clint demanded. 

"Now, now Hawkeye, no need to loose your manners." She smirked.

She shrieked as she pointed her finger at Clint.

He shrieked as his knees locked down and he fell on the floor.

"STOP IT!" Natasha bellowed, running at the mysterious women. Before she was 6 feet away, the lady lazily swished her finger, throwing Black Widow across the room.

"Anyone else?" She teased. 

"Don't you dare" A silky voice proclaimed from the shadows of the room.

"Y/N L/N" The women gasped.

"You're going to pay for that one"

Hey! Author here! I edited this chapter (and some after) due to the fact I used some Harry Potter characters mixed with this fic and I didn't enjoy reading it back so now it only has Marvel characters. I promise Y/N and Bucky will interact soon, I just want to set the scene. I hope you enjoy this version of the book more. <3

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