Team building

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"YOU DID WHAT?" Where the words Y/n woke up to the next morning, she was laid in the hospital bed with the teams surrounding her, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Nat and Sam on one side of the bed while Vision, Bruce, Tony, Vision and Clint stood on the other with a defensive stance. Tony had been the one to shout when he had discovered Bucky had invited Y/n to the team without asking the other guys their opinion, she kept her eyes closed and pretended to stay asleep while they spoke. 

"Listen Tony, she could be a great asset and.." Steve started to say but was interrupted with Tony holding his finger up and shaking his head.

"And? Steve, we don't need another crazed ex-hydra assassin on the avengers team, we already have one and you know what happened, chaos. The avengers broke up for ages Steve and we had a civil war. You're very lucky your buddy is even roaming free and apart of the team but having a female version of him sounds like hell to me"

"Hell? Tony, come on man, this women was brainwashed and taken to be apart of something she wasn't allowed to understand, Hydra tortured her Tony. She's in pain and needs a family, that's us Tony, that's us." Sam spoke in a soft tone like he did when he was a counsellor, he knew Bucky was annoying but in the end he was glad they all had been there for him. 

Bruce took a small step towards Tony and spoke, "I don't know Tony. She looks so innocent and scared and did you see the way she risked herself to get Sam, Steve and Bucky out of the casino on CCTV? She saved them and was selfless, she deserves a chance."

Tony hesitated, normally Bruce always sided with him, he slowly turned to Clint who shrugged his shoulders, "I have kids of my own Tony and I see them in her, she needs someone and I think that's us"

Wanda smiled and agreed nodding her head while her accent seeped through her words, "I joined this team after being confused and willingly joining Hydra to get revenge, she didn't want revenge, Hydra is all she ever knew. She wanted out and we can give her that, we can give her a home like you did to me" Nat put a soft hand on Wanda's shoulder gave a reassuring nod, 

"I was a red room assassin Tony, I was forgiven"

Vision gave his input by speaking in a robotic voice, "I agree with the majority Mr Stark, it would be beneficial for the team and greater good for Miss Y/n to join the Avengers"

Tony looked around expectantly and gave a sigh in defeat before looking down at the sleeping women, smiling fondly. 

"That's that then. She needs a home and we can give her that. Jarvis, prepare a room for Y/n next to Barnes room."

"Right away sir" Jarvis spoke through the speaker systems hidden in the walls.

He pointed at the other members of the team before stalking out the room, 

"You all better be right"

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