Y/n Freeking L/N

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Once Y/n heard the last of feet escape out the hospital room she throws herself into a sitting position while her head is throbbing inside her skull. Her fingers go to automatically cover her ears to try and escape the torturing sound of her own heart beat thundering. She's apart of the avengers. Earths mightiest Hero's and she's never felt more sick in her whole life. 

They were going to accept her for who she was and not let her past define her and the pure raw emotions this thought brought her made her eyes glossy and her stomach tumble. A family. A home. 

Y/n quickly leaped out of the soft bed and ripped the drip from her arm, hissing slightly as the needle ripped out her skin, nothing she hasn't dealt with before. She runs towards the door and thrusts it open with a massive toothy grin adoring her face. Her bare feet slap against the marbelled floor as she sprints towards her future. Rounding corner after corner of white walls she can finally hear the familiar sounds of his metal arm whirring, she has found her home. Her salvation.

She rounds the last corner and accelerates towards the man who saved her from herself. He turns slowly to see her the happiest and most care free person ever and can't help a small sigh escape his plump limps in adoration. She launches herself into his arms while he chuckles lowly in her ear. 

"Thank you for letting me in and thank you for being my home"

Bucky kissed her forhead and smiled to himself, making sure she couldn't see the red glow on his cheeks or the butterfly's in his stomach. She needed him right now, he would deal with his feelings later. 

"Anything for you doll" was his only answer.

In this moment Y/n realised she wasn't Hydras Daughter anymore but a new women. A strong women who had a family and a future.

She was Y/n freeking L/N. 

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