"It was her..."

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Bucky POV:

Where was I? The air was covered in a thick layer of misty, heavy fog, hanging over the room like a giant grey blanket, making it hard to breath without choking out the ghastly poison filled oxygen; there was an emptiness that filled the pit of my stomach that made me retch. I could hear heavy breathing, loud and forceful near me. As I stretched and opened my piercing blue eyes to the morning light, I felt shards of the sun stabbing at me as I adjusted to the strong, powerful illumination that overwhelmed my loss of senses. 

It was a flashback. And someone or something had been stopping me from seeing this. Why?

A girl walks into the room, her face is distorted so I can't recognise any specific features. Focus. FOCUS. 


It was her... but younger. 

"Hey Buck. Today's the day" she whisper shouted, almost afraid someone would hear. But who?

Without any control I smiled at the female beauty. 

Of course.. I can only see the memory not change it.

"Follow me" she said, louder and more formal this time. 

My feet got up on the wooden floor, slipping my toes into black combat boots. 

I only wore those when... oh god.


Maybe she was undercover the whole time. Gaining my trust and getting ready to control me.

"I would never control you Bucky. Your not meant to be seeing this. Now leave before things get messy" it was her voice.. but her lips hadn't moved. 

A loud ringing echoed around my head, causing me to mentally scream to the torture. Before going unconscious he could just make out the words...

"I don't want to hurt you"

Present Day

"Bucky? Bucky? Can you hear us?" I looked up to see Sam and Steve huddled around me on a white hospital bed. 

"It was her..."

"Who Bucky?"

"Y/N L/N"

Hydra's Daughter (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now