4 - A Polite Invitation

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--No-one's Pov--

Billie slowly awoke, the sun beaming down on her, and blinked several times to get used to the light. She felt a dry substance on her face and looked down at her naked body to see it covered with blood.

As she started to question herself, she looked over and saw a deer; ripped apart at the neck and stomach, its insides (what was left) hanging out.

Better than a person, I suppose.

She sat up and looked around; she knew she wasn't far from where she left her bag. It was a matter of getting to it without being seen by possible joggers or hikers. She stood, eyeing the corpse of the deer once again, before walking on.

--Emilia's Pov--

As I was scrolling through Instagram, there was a knock at my door. "Come in," I say, watching as my door opened and my mom walked in.

"Hey, do you think I should invite the O'Connells over for dinner?"

"I mean you still haven't met them yet."

"Which is why I think inviting them would be a neighborly thing to do."

"I think it'd be good."

Mom smiled and left, closing the door behind her. I continued to scroll through before stopping at a picture of Tara. It was posted by Tara's sister, Ali, with the caption:

'I miss you sis.'

I sigh, knowing how close Ali and Tara were. Sure Ali was adopted but Tara loved her like she was her flesh and blood sister.

I closed out the app and switched over to my dms. I tapped on Billie's name, bringing up the empty messenger.

Are you awake<

I sat and waited for a reply, hearing my brother curse out his teammate. His room was right next to mine so I didn't really have a choice but to listen to his bullshit. My phone vibrated against my hands and I smiled when I saw Billie's name.

>What's up?

Just wanted to see how you were doing<

>I'm okay. How's your morning been?

You don't hear that screaming lol<


As I waited for her to finish typing, I stood from my bed and walked over to my desk. I looked out the window, which was open again when I woke up this morning, and saw Billie walking up their driveway with a duffle bag over her shoulder and phone in her hands.

>Sounds like someone being murdered lmao

I laughed and looked back outside to see her stopping in her tracks as Karen spoke to her about the noise from her family's house.

"It's just too noisy. That music drives me crazy at night." Karen said as Billie looked back and forth between her house and Karen.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry it won't happen again." She said as she quickly rushed up the driveway while Karen still went on and went inside her house.

So my mom wants to invite you guys over for dinner at some point<
Thought I'd give you a heads up<

>Well thanks I'll be sure to mention it to my mom

So how's your morning going<

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