26 - Hunters

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--No-one's Pov--

Emilia sighed as she leaned against the counter, turning the page in the book she was currently reading. After going out with Billie yesterday she got to thinking about what she wanted to do for her birthday. Maybe she would just stay home and celebrate with her brother and their mom, or maybe she'd take Billie's offer and spend a week with her in the mountains.

She had a while to think about it, though. Turning to the next page, she heard Quinn laugh from behind her. "What?"

"I find it funny how you haven't gotten through every book in here yet. With how much you read."

"Well business is slow around this time, you know this. Might as well catch up on this book."

Quinn hummed as went back to scrolling through her phone. The bells on the door jingled as it was opened, earning the girls' attention. Emilia marked her page and put it to the side as the man who walked in approached the counter.

"Can I help you sir?" She asked.

"Actually, yes. Do you happen to have anything about witches?" The man asked, resting his hand on the counter as he looked around.

Emilia slowly shook her head, "like fiction?"

"Well, more practical. Like documented or factual works." He looked down at the glass counter and eyed a few of the older books that someone brought in. "Mind if I have a look at this one?"

Emilia looked to where he was pointing. She recognized the book as one of the few that someone brought in, described to them as a few antiques that should be priced nicely. Reaching down to open the display case, she carefully pulled the book out and placed it up top for him to look at.

"Are you from England?"

He nods, "yes. From Colchester, in Essex."

"Nice. I've always wanted to go there. To England I mean, well mostly just Europe. How long have you lived here?"

"Long time. It's why my accent has kinda thinned out." He said as he gently flipped through a few pages.

"I wish I could go there. But I'd have to work a bit longer just to get enough money raised." She glanced up at him as he read through and couldn't help but keep her eyes on the color of his skin. He was pale, not exactly sheet white, but still pale enough to faintly see his veins.

With a deep inhale he spoke. "I'll take this one."

"It'll be 850."

"An old book like this should be worth more but, I can see due to this being a small establishment..." He trailed off as he pulled his wallet from his jacket. "Will cash work?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

As Emilia counted his change she noticed his nails as he put his hands on the counter. They weren't chipped or cracked. They were perfectly fine, smoothed out like he took good care of them.

"Want me to bag it?"

"I can carry it. I hope you do get to see Europe one day, Emilia." The man said as he held the book to his side.

"How did you know my-"

"Your name badge."

Emilia looked down at her name badge as he pointed at it and laughed. "Right, sorry. Have a good day, Mr..."

"Blayne Montgomery. You have a nice day as well."

The girls watched as Blayne left the shop, the silence strong between them as they looked at each other.

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