28 - Roadtrip**

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--Billie's Pov--

I was happy to hear that Krista asked for a night shift. Emilia invited me over, along with her two co-workers Xander and Quinn, so we could spend her birthday together before she and I left for the mountains.

Emilia and I were sitting out back after Krista left for her shift, admiring the pink sky as the sun started to set, when Macy and Blake came outside.

"Billie, this is Macy. Mace, this is my girlfriend." Emilia happily introduced me to Blake's girlfriend, who looked perfectly healed over.

Macy smiled at me as she sat down. "It's nice to meet you."

"I see you're doing better." I say, motioning to the slight scar on her neck.

"Yeah. It was nuts, but the doctors said I was healing up just fine and they let me go."

I slowly nod, "well that's good."

Blake cleared his throat and held out a small box to Emilia as he sat down. "Here ya go, bitch."

She chuckled as she took the box and carefully opened it to reveal a black onyx ring with a thick silver band. I was surprised, mostly because of the type of person Blake is.

"Wow. This is pretty..." She trailed off as she inspected the whole ring. "Is this etched?"

"Yeah, inside the band I had something put there." Blake said, slowly nodding as he watched his sister.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"'To keep the bad things away'. Thank you B, I love it." She said, leaning forward to hug him.

As she pulled away to put it on, Xander joined us outside. "What's up, B?" He said, scooting past us to sit on the ground in front of us. I saw his sleeve come up to reveal a tattoo of an eye on his arm.

Before I could ask about it, Quinn walked out and went over to Emilia. "Going home, Em."

"Be careful."

"I try to be. Bye guys, nice to meet you Billie."

I watched as Quinn left and turned back to Xander who was looking around. "Nice ink, by the way."

He looked at me with his brows furrowed. "Me?"

"Yeah. On your arm."

"Oh yeah, yeah. I've had it for about two years now."

"Looks nice."

"Thanks." He looked at Blake who brought him into their current conversation on whether or not Mortal Kombat was better than Tekken.

Another hour went by before Xander decided to leave. He made sure to say bye to me and Macy before hugging Emilia and fist bumping Blake. Then Blake said he was going home with Macy and that he'd see us when we got back from our trip, and told her to let him know when we got there.

Then it was just us in the house. All we had to do in the morning was get up and go since our bags were packed and in the car already, save for our hair brushes and toothbrushes.

"So, Xander. He seems nice." I say.

"He's a great person."

"Does he always hug you like that or..." I trailed off when she gave me a look.

"He's gay Billie."

I felt my face go red with embarrassment as I mumbled, "oh."

When we got into her room, I playfully slapped her ass and laughed when she turned around to give me a look.

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