I'm Addicted To Realization

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Kayla pressed her head against the glass of the bus and began to think about when things started to fall apart.

"I fucking hate this bus ride." Kayla hissed to herself while a little old woman sat in front of her.

"Fuck this place." Kayla's voice carried on to the woman.

"Excuse me but is that language needed?" the woman asked Kayla who just scorned at her.

"Is your imput needed?"

"Yes, yes it is since you are speaking this loud on a public bus."

"Bite me, old lady." Kayla hissed and the woman looked at her abrupted.

"At least I have more manners as an older woman than you do as a little girl." The woman turned around but Kayla stood up in her seat and screamed,

"How about you teach yourself some manners, lady? Before you get fucked up!"

"Are you threatening me?" The woman asked nonchanlatly.

"I ain't asking you to dinner." Kala rolled her neck and the bus stopped causing her to crash into the woman's head, "My bad." Kayla whispered fixing her self.

"You are so rude and disrespectful!" The woman got up from the seat and headed toward the front of the bus brushing past another girl standing in the alley, "Please step out of the way." The woman asked and the girl let her through.

________~*HI I'M AN ADDICT*~______

Pierce moved out of the woman's way as the bus began to move again. Her eyes fixed on Kayla's shocked face. Pierce moved forward on the bus her hands in a fist as she made her way toward Kayla.

"How did you find me?" Kayla asked as she sat back down on the seat shocked to see Pierce here.

"Leah called me saying she wanted me to come over. I get on the bus and heard someone hollering at nice old women and I knew it was you." Pierce smirked moving next to her and slouching over the empty chair next to Kayla, "Move in." she said and Kayla followed her instruction.

"I'm going there to apologize." Kayla began to speak so abruptly once Pierce sat down, "I'm don't fighting with her. I realize it wasn't her who was sleeping with Jeremy it was Rhonnie." Pierce didn't say anything to the blonde girl sitting next to her. Kayla whipped a tear from her eye and shrugged.

"What good does it make if you see Leah now Kayla. She doesn't want to speak to you." Pierce told the girl bluntly. Kayla disagreed,

"No- I want her to hear me out. I don't want to lose her!" Kayla bit down on her bottom lip. Pierce couldn't stand seeing her do shaken but what could she do? Physically keep her from going to see Leah?

"Leah knew about Rhonnie and Jeremy, Kayla."


Maybe Pierce was being selfish. She always wanted Kayla's attention and she was getting it now, just with a negative outcome, "Leah knew about Rhonnie and Jeremy. She confessed to me and that's why I'm coming to visit her." Pierce lied.

"I fucking knew Leah couldn't be trusted." Kayla mumbled under her breath and Pierce sighed. Kayla was always easy to convince.

"I hate liars." Kayla spoke louder and Pierce just looked at her, "This town is full with nothing but liars, Pierce."

"Then leave with me."

"And go where?" Kayla asked, she didn't reject the offer but she still hesitated to say yes.

"I'm not sure." Pierce didn't break eye contact with her, "To be honest I'm not sure where this bus stops last."

"What happened if we are still in the same town after the last stop?"

"Then we hope off and try with a different bus until we get further and further out of this nowhere land." Pierce exclaimed with her veins full of excitement. She was really convincing Kayla to leave with her- is this reality? Or is Pierce going to awake in a pile of her own vomit in her bathroom?

"You want to really leave with me don't you?" Kayla asked her. Pierce cocked her head back taken aback by the comment- even though it was true.

"It's not that I want to leave with you, Kayla. It's that I need to leave with you."

"Come on dude, don't sound so corny." Kayla looked out the window with a smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart. Her light-hearted feeling was disrupted by a soft palm on her chin.

"I might sound corny but at least I speak the truth." Pierce took Kayla'a face in her hands and made her eyes lock on Pierces solemn face.

"Jeremy didn't need you as much as I do right now. I want you to leave this town- leave this country with me Kayla!" pierce spoke with so much emotion she began to shake.

"Pierce please-."

"-No Kayla I'm not letting you run away. You always run away but this time you're going to sit your ass down and tell me why you won't be with me." Pierce let go of her face but Kayla still kept her eyes on her.

"Go ahead then," Pierce spoke forcibly, "Tell me why you don't want to leave with me." Pierce was letting Kayla speak. Kayla just sat there in silence and as they drove closer and closer to Leah's stop the silence just dragged on between the two girls.

It was finally time to get off at Leah's stop and Pierce got up giving room for Kayla to get out as she stood in the isle. Kayla didn't move from her seat instead she just looked up at Pierce was glossed eyes. Eyes that have been through to much to look at anything else besides someone that loved them.

"Sit with me. Please." Kayla's voice was so soft that Pierce didn't hesitate to go closer to her. Kayla didn't cry she just looked out the window biting her nails.

"I want to be happy, Pierce. I so desperately do."

"I can make you happy."

"How do I know?"

"What?" Pierce looked at Kayla strangely as Kayla explained herself.

"How do I know you are going to make me happy, Pierce? I'm not even happy with myself and I've always let people try and make me happy. It never worked."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, that I'm done being so dependent on people. Wanting others to make me happy when I can't even hold my own happiness." Kayla said bluntly and Pierce shook her head in disbelief.

"You're done with me without even trying? Unbelievable."

"You should be thanking me." Kayla got up and got ready to exit the bus. Pierce looked at her strangely.

"Where are you going? You passed Leah's stop- are you going to turn around?" Pierce asked her.

"No." Kayla was preoccupied gathering her things.

"Are you going home?"


"So what are you doing, Kayla?" Pierce questioned her frantically as Kayla stepped over the girl into the isle and began to walk out. Pierce shot up and yelled.

"Are you going to do my plan by yourself?" Pierce called out.

"Yes." Kayla disappeared off the bus into the street of the unknown part of town. She walked to the bus schedule and waited fifteen minutes to hop on the next bus father away. She had at least enough change for twenty buses and that's what she needed. Twenty busses and a one way ticket out of here.


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