I'm Addicted To Drag Queens And Dial Tones

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Rhonnie got off the bus and walked to Jeremy's house her body shaking from the cold air that blew into her. Nothing warm to hold her sickening body she walked up to his place and knocked on the door- no answer. Rhonnie wiped her smearing makeup from her burning eyes and knocked again this time hearing a sound on the other side of the door. Things rattled in the room as she heard Jeremy's voice cursing behind the door- she was about to knock again when the door cracked open a bit and Jeremy stared at her with his blue eyes floating in his red tired eyes.

"Yeah?" He said rudely to Rhonnie, she hesitated and looked away shrugging.

"Didn't turn out as planned."

"What didn't?"

"Telling my mom about the baby."

"What happened?" He didn't open the door any wider but she could tell he was shirtless, she tried to glance into the room but couldn't see past his tall structure.

"She fucking kicked me out-."

"-Out of the house?" Jeremy exclaimed and she gave him a stupid look.

"No out of the window- of course out of the fucking house!" Jeremy rolled his eyes at her.

"Shit, just a fucking question." They stood there for a minute when Rhonnie finally asked him,

"Aren't you going to let me?" Rhonnie took a step forward and Jeremy didn't move he just stood his ground taking a look back into his house and shook his head.

"It's messy." His voice cracked, and Rhonnie took two steps back as if she was slapped in the face.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Rhonnie scoffed and Jeremy just stared at her with his bloodshot eyes. He looked around and looked back at her.

"Sorry?" He made it sound more like a question than an apology. Rhonnie felt her shoulders tense up as she bit down on her bottom lip. On the verge of breaking- on the verge of leaping out of the window of sanity she tried to hold back the tears but Jeremy could see in her brown eyes the pain from being rejected from a warm house.

"I don't care about the mess, Jeremy. I just need a place to stay." Jeremy shrugged and Rhonnie stomped her foot on the ground biting her tounge in the process, "Why are you doing this? I cannot get sick with this baby in me, Jeremy." Jeremy didn't say anything more but proceeded to close the door. Defeated, Rhonnie walked away back toward the bus stop holding her stomach- not only because she was sick but because she wanted to try and keep her little baby warm from the cold air hitting it's mother.

_______________~*HI, I'M AN ADDICT*~_________________

Kayla stared down at her contacts and sighed. She hesitated to call Leah up and invite her to smoke but after the way she treated her- Kayla doubted Leah would want to even be around her. Kayla's fingers slide across the keyboard typing in random letters into the text message box when she finally got the nerve to dial Leah's number and pray that she would answer.

"Hello?" Kayla's heart stopped as she tried to hold back her fast flowing words.

"Hey, Leah-."

"-Here to apologize?" Damn, that was a lot easier than expected. Kayla felt her pulse race as she thought that she was forgiven.

"Yeah- Yes I am! I mean like, I was just wondering if you would want to talk about what happened you know-?"

"-Fuck you Kayla." Leah said bluntly, interrupting Kayla midway through her statement.

"Wait- what?"

"Fuck-to-the-you." Leah repeated herself in a snarl, Kayla clenched her teeth together not understanding her friend- or now ex-friend's attitude.

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