I'm Addicted To Being Used

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Rhonnie sat up on the couch covering herself with a blanket as staring at Jeremy as he looked through a pile of clothes on the ground and found a clean shirt, pulling it over his head he turned to the naked Rhonnie and shrugged.

"When do you want me to drop you off?" His attitude changed dramatically since last night- it was colder more distance but Rhonnie was used to it by now, he had sobered up he didn't need her anymore he just wanted to stick it in her and take it out. She swallowed hard and shrugged.

"When do you want me outta here?" Jeremy looked at his phone and sighed.

"It's two p.m now. Can you leave in like thirty minutes? I have to pick Kayla up by three we're going to go see a-" Rhonnie pushed herself off the couch and stormed past Jeremy not letting him finish. She went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her leaning against the sink and turning on the water. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry but she couldn't she had to get over it- he wasn't her boyfriend, he was Kayla and has been for the better part of two years. Rhonnie splashed the water into her face but she couldn't help it, the tears fell naturally with the water rushing down her face, she took a deep breath trying to control her crumbling emotions and caught them before they fell apart.

Jeremy sat down on the couch holding her orange thong in his hand, Rhonnie came out of the bathroom and gathered her clothes not looking at him and not realizing what he took but he watched every moved she made. Gracefully gliding across the room in all her glory trying not to leap on him and strangle him. As she walked toward the door pulling just her shirt over her head Jeremy said something which made her lose her mind,

"I'll call you when Kayla knocks out." She stopped and stared down at the doorknob.

"Why? What's the point? I can't come see you while she's here."

"I know," He said squeezing the panties tightly, "I'd just want to hear that voice of yours before I fucked her." Chills ran down Rhonnie's spine as she turned the door knob and rushed out. Why was he like that? He knows talking like that- talking dirty and immoral was such a turn on for her. She rushed out of his house and walked down the street to the bus stop. Rhonnie bit her lip frantically thinking about Jeremy; everything he says, the way he smells, the way he holds himself, the way his eyes glaze over when he's high. All the beauties in life revolved around Jeremy Addison, life wasn't beautiful if Jeremy Addison didn't come into existence- too bad for Rhonnie though. She won't be able to show off her master piece to the general public not without reticule anyways.

Rhonnie hoped on the bus and leaned her head out of her window looking out at the sky. She knew she didn't want to go home so she decided to go to the place she was supposed to be heading anyways, to Pierce's house.

Pierce opened the door with a spoon in her mouth and a bowl of cereal in her hands. She leaned against the door with a grin on her face,

"You little liar." She scoffed, "Lie to Kayla about coming to my house then show up twelve hours late probably wanting food."

"What?" Rhonnie said confused pushing past Pierce and into the house, "What happened? How did you know?"

"I called Kayla not knowing that I was apart of your lie that you and I were 'hanging out', but I didn't know this so I called her asking if she and I could hang out and she asked about you." Pierce put the bowl down on the table and Rhonnie sat down at the chair holding her head up with her hand.

"Fuck, I should've told you. Oh well, Kayla's so dumb she probably didn't even realize I was fucking the shit out of her boyfriend last night."

"Oh my god," Pierce giggled, "I love how you said the truth all blunt like that." Pierce grabbed the seat next to Rhonnie and looked at her long-time friend and began biting her fingernails.

"Well, you gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you're mad at Jeremy?"

"How'd you know."

"Slut-bag," Pierce said charmingly, "You lied about where you were, spend all night with your best friend's boyfriend, then show up at your friend-since-sixth-grade door pissed off, I can smell your anger." Pierce smacked the table and Rhonnie sighed.

"I'm hungover, I'm missing my panites and I smell like sweat and cologne."

"That's Thursday night after bible studies for you," Pierce said jokingly.

"Fuck you," Rhonnie managed to crack a smile but the tears started to slow, "I'm just upset about how Jeremy treats me sometimes. He can be such a jerk."

"It's a price those good-looking douche-bags come with now a days, hence why I don't do the dick anymore." Pierce wasn't and hasn't been very interested in guys for the past three years of high school ever since she started dating Bailey Smithson. Rhonnie rolled her eyes.

"You're a dick and I don't know, I feel like he wants me but doesn't want to say it because he wants to be with me and Kayla." Rhonnie said and Pierce looked at her stupidly.

"That's exactly what he's doing and has been for the past like two years!" She ran her fingers through her long dark hair, "Look, babe, he frustrates you because he doesn't know what he wants and to be honest coming from a lesbian view- I'd pick you over Kayla any day cause your mixed with an ass and she's just a white girl with a nice chest."

"Thanks?" Rhonnie chuckled and Pierce continued.

"I think you should totally tell Jeremy what's up and where you two stand."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's not my place."

"You've been seeing Jeremy for the same amount of time as Kayla and fucked him the same amount of time. You have the right to sit him down and tell him what's up and what's going to change."

Pierce's words stuck Rhonnie hard. She didn't know what to say to what her friend was telling her. After a bit more talking and realizing that Rhonnie was the one that had the control over when and where they had sex so she should have a say in what Jeremy and her are. Rhonnie didn't think asking a lesbian about boy advice would work but somehow, Pierce's words just made sense. It was time for a closure to happen between Rhonnie and Jeremy and it was going to happen whenever she got the chance.

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