I'm Addicted To Getting My Friends Back

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It was too damn early in the morning for Kayla to get into a fight with her boyfriend. She wiped her eyes walking to the bus stop to go to Rhonnie's house but whatever Kayla did she couldn't get the vision of her boyfriend seeing another girl -Hell to be blunt he was fucking another one. Kayla didn't think about the fact that she could have some type of STD -no, all she could think of what she was going to do without him. Kayla seriously had trouble pushing through her head that he was done.

"No." She said aloud getting on the bus, the bus driver shot her a strange look.

"What?" He said, Kayla looked down at him confused.


"You said no."

"Not to you, fucking idiot." Kayla snarled sticking her hand in her pocket, grabbing change and placing it in the slot. The man just looked at her and shook his head letting her through as he mumbled something about bratty teenagers. Kayla walked to the far back and sat down wanting this twenty minute bus ride to hurry up so she could be in the company of her friends.

Her friends, she had been so distant from them lately. Kayla slouched down in her seat thinking about Rhonnie and her bubbly personality, always smiling and joking around- poking fun at other people. Kayla hadn't really been seeing enough of her lately because Kayla had been so busy wondering when she was going to see Jeremy. Then there was Leah, always kind and a bit naive but that's what made Kayla love her like crazy. Leah was like the sister that Kayla and Rhonnie had to protect -even if they weren't the best influences. Kayla felt another tear fall down from her face thinking about her friends and all their fun memories, was she growing up? She couldn't be; there was still so much she hadn't done. She never went skinning dipping in someone else's pool with Rhonnie like they said they would. Kayla never went missing for forty-two hours to scare the shit out of her parents. She still needed to do all those things and damn it she was going to.

_________________________~*HI, I'M AN ADDICT*~______________________________

Jeremy pulled into Rhonnie's drive way and turned off the engine. This weekend was one Hell of a strange time and tomorrow they had school, which meant seeing both Rhonnie and Kayla in second period. He hopped out of the car as he looked up the driveway he saw Leah running toward him.

"Leave! Kayla is going to be here!" She shouted at him. Jeremy ignored her walking toward the house anyway.

"What are you doing?" Leah grabbed onto his arm but Jeremy just pulled away trying to hold in his anger as he stormed to the door almost knocking it in as he pushed through it anger spilling from his words,

"I should've never wasted an hour with you, Rhonnie. It ruined everything!" He shouted into the house taking the orange panties out of his pocket and throwing it into Rhonnie's room but Rhonnie wasn't in sight. Jeremy looked around and saw the bathroom door closed and heard rushing water, he stomped over to the door with his hand on the handle and pushed it open ready to jump on her.

"Kayla is going to be here soon." Rhonnie said flatly sitting on the toilet holding a pregnancy test in her hands.

"What the fuck is that." Jeremy sounded absolutely terrified.

"My third test, I'm about to try a Fourth one." She said reaching for the bottle of apple juice on the sink counter. Jeremy's hands flew above his head as he exhaled greatly trying to calm his beating heart.

"What did the other ones say?" He asked hoping that they were all blank and couldn't come up with an answer that's why she was trying to many but Rhonnie just stared straight ahead and struggled.

"Positive, positive, positive." Rhonnie sounded like she was singing when her eyes gazed up at him, "Leave before she comes. I'll talk to you later-."

"-Kill it." Jeremy interrupted her. Rhonnie looked up at him stunned by what he was saying.

"What?" She didn't understand what he was saying to her,

"Kill the god damn thing before it grows. Fucking kill it!" He shouted his hands trembling.

"No." Rhonnie said her voice weak trying to hold back her tears, "I can't."

"I DON'T WANT TO RAISE A KID, RHONNIE!" He shouted at her and Rhonnie stood up ready to fight.

"THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN ME PREGNANT!" Her voice was hoarse and sore but the arguing continued.

"Maybe if you weren't such a fucking slut and learned to close your legs you wouldn't be knocked up. Don't blame me." Her hands flew up in the air as Rhonnie tried hard to hold back the tears.

"Why did you come here if you were going to yell at me? I have to deal with Kayla coming here and tell her I'm pregnant, I don't want to deal with you too." Rhonnie said trying to push him out of the house but he stood his ground.

"Kill it-."

"-Stop saying that!" She shouted, "You don't think it's scary enough knowing I'm pregnant! I don't need you telling me over and over again to get an abortion! I can't afford it and where in this town am I going to get one, Jeremy?" Rhonnie felt her blood boil as her hands flung at him hitting his chest in anger but he still stood his ground.

"I don't fucking know but you need to get one-."

"Why the Hell are you here Jeremy?" Rhonnie and Jeremy both felt the hairs on the back of their necks stand up as they looked at the blond ex-girlfriend standing in the doorway with Leah right behind her. There was hesitation in the air no one was willing to tell the truth so Leah did what came naturally.

"I was calling Tanner to tell him that Rhonnie needed something from the store but he wasn't there and Jeremy answered so he went and got-."

"-I'm pregnant." Rhonnie said flatly interrupting Leah's lie. Jeremy walked past the girls leaving the house without saying another word. Kayla watched him leave then turned to the counter seeing his phone, he left it. Kayla picked it up and looked at its exterior then walked over to Rhonnie not really concerned or anything about what was said.

"As long as it's fucking cute and I'm the godmother then I don't really give a damn." Kayla said to her friend then looked up at her and smiled, "But I don't think skinny dipping with a pregnant girl is really sexy so on Thursday in second period bring the sexiest bathing suit you got." Kayla was referring to the fact that every Thursday in second period the Senior gym class went to the community pool. Kayla turned back around to Leah,

"What do you have second period Thursday?" Kayla asked her.

"Home ED-." Leah replied but before she could barely finish Kayla had something to say.

"Skip. Our class is so fucking big anyways the teacher just kind of eyes around and doesn't take roll it will be fun and we are the best looking girls in that class so it'll be cool for all the guys and I'm sure Mr. Smith is a fucking pervert anyways -I mean he teaches gym for God's sake so he won't mind either." Kayla said, sticking Jeremy's phone into her pocket and turning toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Rhonnie asked as Kayla opened the door, Kayla just shrugged and looked over her shoulders at her friends.

"I thought I wanted to be with friends but I realized I see you assholes tomorrow anyways so I'm going to go walking and hopefully score some pills from Pierce." Rhonnie glanced at Leah then back at Kayla.

"I'm not sure if Pierce is hanging out with her girlfriend or not." Rhonnie said since she was the closet out of the group to Pierce but Kayla just shrugged.

"As long as I score, I don't give a fuck." Kayla said leaving her friends and walking back down to the bus stop. She looked down at the driveway and imagined Jeremy's car still there -Kayla imagined him sitting there watching her leave and in her fantasy she secretly hoped he would get out of the car and stop her from leaving but even in her fantasy Jeremy just put the car in reverse and left her standing there alone. Kayla smiled like she didn't care but seriously, she wanted to fun after her imagination and beg him to stop.

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