I'm Addicted To Your Boyfriend

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Jeremy Addison, both Kayla and Rhonnie's boyfriend, was infamous at the school for selling drugs and getting into fights, however he can do no wrong in Kayla's eyes. He fights with her, it's her fault. He gets drunk and wakes up with a hangover, it's her fault. If he cheated on her- no, no he can't possible do that, he's "too in love" with Kayla that's cant possible be the case it would never cross their mind that their whole two year relationship was shared with her good friend Rhonnie who insisted to Jeremy of keeping it a secret.

Rhonnie walked the three blocks at ten at night back to her small home. She opened the door and walked in slowly trying not to wake her mother, when she turned into the living room and saw her mother passed out in front of the TV surrounded by empty beer bottles. Rhonnie was safe since she told her mother she was going to stay the night at Kayla's house (which was a lie) so she went into her room and searched through her drawers with her free hand as she dialed her cell phone calling Jeremy.

"Hello?" His voice was scratchy over the line.

"Hey, it's Rhonnie."

"Hey Gorgeous," She could hear the smile over the phone, "I'll be there in like ten minutes." She hung up grabbing a few pair of panties and her toothbrush and stuffing it into her school bag. Rhonnie walked past her mirror and stopped and stared deep into her hazel eyes, was she really sleeping with her supposed-to-be best friend's boyfriend, she heard the car pull up in the drive way.

"Yes." She anwsered her own question and walked out of her bedroom door, past the living room but stopped and looked at her mom. Rhonnie walked over and pulled a blanket over her sleeping mom and turned the TV off before walking outside and seeing Jeremy Addison sitting in his black pick up truck staring- smiling, at the girl who came running out to him. She popped open the passenger door and hopped in.

"Drive, motherfucker!" She yelled and Jeremy laughed switching his car into reverse pulling out of the drive way.

"We have all night what do you want to do?" He asked, Rhonnie rolled down her window and shrugged.

"Can we take the back road to your house, then we'll take it from there." Jeremy turned to her and looked at her for a moment then nodded, turning off of the main road and along a more quiet road the only light was his head lights that beamed against the surrounding trees. Rhonnie placed her hand out of the car and felt the cold air hit her hand. She knew she was going straight to hell, all the drugs and sex she had she's still surprised she doesn't have anything wrong with her. She looked out at the rolling plains and the star filled night when she felt the warm hand go against her bare thigh. Rhonnie looked down to see Jeremy placed his hand there and was rubbing his thumb gently against her skin.

"You have beautiful skin, gorgeous." He said and she smiled.

"Thanks, I try my best." She looked into his deep blue eyes and he scratched his fuzy chin looking back at the rode.

"I have a six pack in the back but we can't drink it all 'cause I promised Kayla that I would but a pack for me and her tomorrow." Rhonnie looked at him confused.

"Why not us drink this pack all tonight then you buy another one tomorrow?"

"No can do," Jeremy said rubbing his long brown hair and messing it up, "I lied to her saying I gave Tanner my car, that's why I couldn't hang out with her today."

Rhonnie leaned against his arm and fixed his brown locks that stopped at his eyebrows, he looked at her with the corner of his eyes then placed his hands in between her thighs.

"Have I told you, you're gorgeous lately?" He scoffed, Rhonnie giggled and kissed him on his check as he turned into his drive way and they got out and not even tow minutes into the house their clothes were off and they were cracking open a few bottles of beer completely naked. Love at it's best. Love at it's classiest

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