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Something that should be obvious, but I'm going to state here at the start of the book as a warning. Keep your ship hate to yourself. If you can't do that, then stop reading. If you're just gonna ignore me, I'll delete your comments. Thanks :).

"Mum! Mum! I've got splotches everywhere!" Kaminari, 5 years old, ran over to his mum in the kitchen. His mother turned around to see her small son's face beaming with excitement.

"That great sweetie! It means your soulmate marks are coming!" She smiled sweetly. "Where are they?"

"Here, here, here, and here." He said pointing to various places all over his body, including his neck, shoulder, then lifting up his shirt and pointing to places on his side.

"My mouth is also going all white!" He said, then poked out his tongue. "Thsee?!"

His mum, of course, couldn't see. That's the way soulmarks work. You can't see other people's soul marks until they get activated by their soulmate. Then they turn into a shimmering mark for everyone to see. Some people's looked like crystal, reflecting light everywhere, whilst others could look more like shiny metal.

What fascinated Denki's mother the most was the fact that they still feels and acted like regular skin. When looking in the mirror, the marks appeared as cold, hard grafts into a persons skin, but they weren't at all.

"I'm going to go show daddy!" He screeches, then runs off.

The position of Denki's marks worried his mother. The neck, the side, not to mention the lips. Most soulmarks were just a single mark, maybe a hand slung around the shoulder, and heaps of people she knew simply had a streak across their arm from brushing past their soulmate on the street.

Who kisses their soulmate the second they meet?


"Oi! Katsuki! You done that thing at school yet?! Where you draw all over yourself?!"

"Muuuuum. We did it today shut uuuuup." 6 year old Katsuki Bakugo storms over, covered it what appears to be black marker.

"Tch. You're really bad at colouring in," Mitsuki comments, looking at the scribbles all over her son.

"Better than you could ever do!"

She just shakes her head, and inspects her son.

A left handprint on his collar bone, with the fingers stretching up onto his neck. Two more handprints around the back of his neck and shoulders, like someone was reaching around him and hugging him. She glanced down to his arms, with his palms coloured in, as well as the inside of his arms all the way up to his armpits, confirming her suspicions.

"Never took you for a hugger," she mumble to herself. "Is there anything else?" She asked, just to be sure.

"Yeah! Look at this!" He yelled excitedly, and lifts up his shirt, showing three huge, badly drawn lines. But they weren't the kind of lines that said someone had drawn their fingers down his chest.

They looked more like huge animal scratches.

"That's lovely sweetheart," she said as nicely as possible.

He didn't have to know how much danger he was in until he realised it himself.


"Dad! My soulmates gonna give me a kiss! Isn't that manly!" Eijiro Kirishima poses with his arms on his hips.

"Super manly sport!" His dad responds, ruffling his hair.

"And on my cheek bone, here," he points to where only he could see a handprint cupping his jaw.

"AND there are two on my hips, but I can't see them very well, because they're on my back," he stretched his neck, trying to see them better than before, but of course it doesn't work. His father laughs at him.

"Anything else?"

Kiri nods vigourously.

"There's also some scratches down my stomach. I don't know what that means though."

Eijiro's father forces his smile to stay on, and ruffles his son's hair again.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, bud. Just stay outta trouble, ok?"

"Ok!" Kiri says grinning. "Can you show me your soulmarks?"

Kirishima's father closes his eyes, as if it takes concentration, which it doesn't. He just likes to put on a show. It's worth it when he opens his eyes and sees his son gazing up at him in aw at the shining handprint on his face.

"I can't believe mum slapped you," he says. He says the same thing every time.

"Well, I did accidentally spill my coffee on her. And it was a lovely white dress. Let's just be glad she wasn't using her quirk," he recites.

"Mum's so manly," he says, eyes shining.

"She sure is."

What a prologue. Writing five year old Bakugo was fun 😂.  Hope you're excited! Your probably not, I have to admit this chapters a little boring, you just need to know where their soulmarks are. I have my last test on Monday, so I should write heaps after that! I know this was a bit boring, but it'll be more exciting in the upcoming chapters!

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now