Chapter 156 - Heard Fortress (1)

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‘In the past, I saw Rich Lich’s interview.  He said even if he had a lot of money, there wasn’t much he wanted to spend it on.  I wanted to punch him in the face when he said it.  However, now I am in his position.’

Hyrkan was definitely feeling the pressure being felt by the numerous Users, who had stepped onto the Black Continent.

Currently, the biggest problem tormenting the User on the Black Continent was the consumable Items.  It was too hard to obtain them.

‘The 30 great guilds are always the problem.  This is especially true for Big Smiles and V&V…  If I catch them, I'll....’

In the past, there had been several Users, who had taken advantage of the high market price.  They acted as mules as they moved consumable Items through the Voodook's tunnel.  This was why Users had been able to trade Items near the summit of the Urugal mountain.  It had been expensive, but at the very least, they had the option to purchase these Items.

However, five guilds were trying to push through the Voodook's Tunnel right now, and they were causing an enormous amount of traffic.  The possibility of trading with these enterprising Users were gone now.

He had been fully ready when he came here, but he never expected such a development.  This was why hate was burning inside him towards the source of the traffic.

His loss didn’t just end there.

Hyrkan let out a sigh as he dismantled the corpses of the Voodoo Lizardmen, which had been defeated by the Skeleton Warriors.

He dismantled the scaled corpse, and he found a Gem Ingredient from one of the melting body.  He carefully put the Item into the pouch where he stored the recovery Items.

The Gem Ingredient that came out of the Voodoo Lizardman could be used to produce an Item.  Basically, there were two types of Gem.  One could be used to repair Items, and the other could  be used to make recovery Items.  If one chewed on an Ingredient that was used to make a recovery Item, one could still receive some recovery effect.

Of course, no User would use it in such a manner.  It was like finding truffles in the mountain.  It was akin to eating these truffles, because one was hungry.

‘I can’t belive I have to eat this.’

The Voodoo Lizardman’s Gem Ingredients were used to make level 200 Rare Rank defesnive Items.  Currently, a level 200 Rare Item with decent Option were trade for around 1000 gold.

He had to feed on such Item Ingredients to recover his magical energy.

‘·····I have to quickly find the Heard Fortress.  I have to progress in the Quest to make that region into a foothold.’

This hurt him as much as losing to a monster.

‘If not, I might die from an upset stomach.  Eventhough I have a lot of money, I can’t keep doing this with a sound mind.

Of course, this hardship wasn’t indefinite.

He wasn’t sure about it, but in his memories, he remembered the Fortress turned in a foothold when one finished the Quest.  When the Heard Fortress becomes a foothold, the NPC would return.  There would be cubicles where he’ll be able to make Items.

It was similar to what had happened at the Cursed Castle.

This would also be the most important part of the Ruined Kingdom episode.

The first one to forge the road would have a hard time, but the benefit given to the person, who paved the first road was significant.  It would be equal to the amount of hardship one faced.

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