Chapter 52 - Love and pride

Start from the beginning

He didn't understand anything. What stripes? Where? Gently pulling her hand, he tried to seat his wife on the sofa, but she became stubborn and remained standing.

- Ahtem, don't you hear?! Two stripes, I say! Blue!

"Honey, calm down," he released her hands and gently stroked her shoulders. - Explain clearly. I do not understand anything.

- What is incomprehensible here?! - Laura, always balanced and calm, exclaimed impatiently. - The test showed two stripes! Blue! - She fell silent and smiled touchingly. Then she shrugged and said: - I'm pregnant...

The floor slipped out from under his feet, and the room rushed in frantic rotation. His heart stopped for a short moment, and then it pounded like crazy.

"Darling...," he whispered, comprehending what he had heard, and the next moment he picked up his wife in his arms and whirled her around the workshop. A jubilant shout echoing off the walls filled the room with a cacophony of sounds. Laura laughed, cried, and clung tightly to her husband's broad shoulders. He put her on the floor and pressed his trembling lips to hers.

- Thank you ... - whispered between kisses. - thanks...

- Silly, - she answered in the same whisper. - Why me? Thank you! You made me a child!

Ahtem put his hands over her face and looked into her eyes. Huge, black, shining with happiness and the mystery that now lived in her.

"We did," he corrected hoarsely. - We have done!

The gray cat was sitting in the corner and squinting slanting eyes, looked at the owners. Its independent face was already very pleased. Laura noticed it out of the corner of her eye and exclaimed in surprise:

- Gri! Are you also happy that a baby will appear in the house?

The cat got up, stretched itself contentedly, and went up to the owner. Purring softly, rubbed her neck against her legs, and looked into her eyes.

"It will be my favorite," said her gaze.


By evening, Defne fell ill. She shivered, had a headache and a sore throat. She lay wrapped in a blanket, desperately trying to keep warm. Omer with a face darker than a cloud walked in circles and tried to heal her. He covered her with blankets over the blanket, applied a compress to her forehead, he gave her tea with honey and lemon. Defne could only swallow that tea. Thinking about other food made her sick. Holding her head as she drank tea, he grumbled:

- And what did you think when you went up to the roof without a coat? It is February, and you were in one thin blouse. Now you see - you caught a cold! And the medicine cannot be taken.

Defne lay down again and, burying her nose in the blanket, asked in a husky voice:

- Omer, calm down! If you want to continue lecturing, go to another room and grumble there. I already have a headache.

"Sorry," he apologized repentantly and sat down next to her on the bed. Gently tucked the unruly hair behind her ear and pressed his hand to her cheek. She was hot. He reached for the thermometer and in a voice trembling with alarm suggested: - Defne, let's measure the temperature.

"We measured it fifteen minutes ago," she muttered indignantly from under the covers.

"Then let's call an ambulance," he said.

- What for? She moaned. - It's a common cold. I'll lie down for a couple of days, and everything will pass.

"You're pregnant," he reminded her.

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