that's gay, dude~stan marsh x reader (boy x boy reader)

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that's gay, dude ~ stan marsh x boy reader

[A/N: hi everybody! so i thought it would be fun to make some x readers for guys, or just to be extremely homosexual, which is always even better, right? i hope you guys will like these, too! (: also this is from your/the reader's pov]

(trigger warning: homosexual slurs)

i never understood football. no matter how many times my dad tried to explain it to me on sunday afternoons while he was sitting, 110% captivated on the television screen, i just couldn't grasp the rules or idea. maybe it was because i was too busy playing dress up with my older sister's skirts or going to dance class? either way, sports was never my thing. but sitting at the sidelines of stan marsh's football game made me almost want to join, just so i could be around a group of such muscular, attractive guys. but obviously, stan marsh was the most attractive of them all.

"what the hell is a gay guy like (y/n) doing at a football game?"

i cringed, not daring to turn around towards the group of jocks who liked to harass me.

"faggot," one of them hissed. they all laughed and snickered and repeated the word over and over again. i closed my eyes and tried to block out the hurtful slur, but nothing helped.

i opened my eyes and tried to focus on the football game, tried to focus on watching stan play, but their whispers were driving me insane. they've been harassing me for almost four years; ever since the end of eighth grade. i was so tired of them making fun of me, sometimes i just wanted to agree to their statements. "yes, yes in fact i am gay. i am a faggot, you assholes" but i never could say that. it would cause too much complication for myself. i wasn't even out to my family yet, or my best girl friends, although i assumed they've known since junior high.

one of the jocks kicked the back of my head, hard.

"you gonna say anything, you faggot?" he sneered. they all laughed again. i still don't understand what's so funny about the word. it made me want to cry. i've learned by now not to let their words effect me and to accept myself for who i am, but it still irritated me deep down.

finally, giving in, i spun around sharply and shot the group a dirty look, which only made them laugh harder. there was no winning for me.

"can you guys shut up?" i said, trying to sound as confident and dangerous as i could, but i knew my voice wasn't capable of that.

"fuck you, (y/n)," one of them said.

"who the hell are you here to watch, anyways?" another one asked.

"...s-stan -- " i began.

"marsh?!" they yelled, making weird chanting sounds to each other.

"what -- you friends with marsh?"


"have you guys ever had the other over for the night?" another asked; anthony, i think his name was.

"umm... yeah, i've been to his house for the night a few times -- "

"what, and did ya try to fuck him while he was sleepin?" anthony sneered.

i could feel tears forming in my eyes, the annoying all-too-familiar stinging feelings in my eyes, and i blinked hard. don't let what they say bother you, i told myself angrily.

"leave me alone," i snapped, my voice cracking into a soft cry. they heard it, and began cackling with amusement. i grabbed my phone and stood up, going to sit far far away from those cruel boys.

"bye, faggot," one of them yelled. i could hear soft laughter from other people who heard. i closed my eyes hard and sat down at the front row of bleachers, being able to focus on stan more from there.

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