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During the few months Flare and Sheila were kind enough to share their side of the story from when they left to when they met up with Shadow. Now those few months have passed and here we are.

I ran as fast as I could back to the cave after she called me in my mind. Dropping the conversation me and my siblings were having right then and there. I tripped at the entrance of the cave and skid into it a little bit and then quickly scrambled to my feet and moved next to Gem. Shortly after, Sheila and Flare came running in. The eggs were shaking some. Then in a few moments they started cracking. The next thing we saw, one right after another, were the noses of two little eevees pushing shell bits apart as they made their escape attempt to leave their eggs. Me and Gem nuzzled each other.

"Hey there little ones." I said in a quiet voice after they got out of their eggs and stumbled towards us. The one sniffed me a little bit and then sniffed Gem a little bit and then rubbed against us, so did the other one. "Oh no, we didn't think of any names." I said to Gem, making sure to stay somewhat quiet. "How about we name our daughter Obsidian?" Gem asked. "That'll work, now our son still needs a name, maybe....Sergio?" I said. "Why Sergio?" She asked. "Because it's the name of a certain diamond." Sheila said. "Now that's just sweet." Gem said. "Besides, it's a unique name." She continued.

The young ones fell asleep beside us so we had to keep quiet, neither of us wanted to move. "You two can go if you want." I said, looking at my brother and sister. "Sorry, we can't help staring, you four look so cute like this." Flare said. "Agreed." Sheila said. "Well we'll leave you and the young ones be." Flare said. "Come on Sheila." He continued. "Haha, usually I'm the one telling you to leave." She chuckled. After they left me and Gem nuzzled each other. "I guess this means we're parents now." I said. "Yes it does." She said. "These two are just so cute." I said. Gem just chuckled at that. "Yeah, and one never gets used to it." She said.

"That's so true." I chuckled. We then proceeded to gather some berries for ourselves and our little eevees. A little bit fter we fed our children, we just sat in our cave watching them play. Gem was nuzzling me again. "I love you too Gem." I said. She just chuckled when I said that. "What's so funny?" I asked. "They're so cute playing around." She said. "Aren't they always cute, I mean we're talking about eevees here." I said chuckling. "Yeah that's too true." She said. Though I was a little curious as to why she was nuzzling me so often now, she's been doing it a lot more than she used to, I wonder what's going on. Either way she seems to be way more...affectionate lately.

Not that I'm complaining, I like that she's being like this. I just don't know the reason for why she is. Not only that but I can't help but feel something big is coming this way, and it's very, very bad. Me and Gem played with our children a little bit to sort of use up their energy for when it became night time. We got them food when they needed it and so forth, my siblings helped keep an eye out whenever we went to gather food for our children. Before we knew it, it had become night, the two eevees curled up by each other and me and Gem were curled up around them.

I woke up in the middle of the night and sat at the entrance of the cave and watched the moon, well, at least the best I could. "Shadow?" Gem whispered. "Why are you over there, why don't come lay back down over here?" She whispered. "I have a feeling...I have a feeling something big is coming this way, and it's not good. This feeling won't go away, I think it's real. The threat is real." I said quietly.

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