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I woke up at around midnight, I stepped outside and looked at the sky and saw the moon, it was a full moon which was a bit bright. I walked to one of the hills I had spotted earlier. "Alright mind, memories, you can have me at this time." I told myself as I sat there staring at the moon. Sheila, Flare, where are you now? How are you doing? I really miss you guys.......we were all closer than anything else, and then you guys evolved and then moved away, I hope you haven't been caught by a trainer, and I hope you are still in this region. We had so many good times together.

Like that time when we pranked our parents, heh, we got into so much trouble. Or that time I wandered a little to far away from home and got myself into danger and you two came and saved me. Even that time you tircked me into eating a tamato berry, haha my mouth felt like it was on fire I knew my reaction was priceless, that's why I found it funny, I imagined my own reaction. I thank you both for making that scarf for me and giving it to me as something for me to remember you by right before you left. Good was sad you had to go, and it's a lot more sad we got separated like that. I thought to myself, thinking as if they could hear my thoughts even though I knew they couldn't.

I hadn't known that tears had started falling from my eyes. "You know, you're going to catch a cold sitting out here by yourself like this." Gem said. "Hey gem." I said in my neutral tone. "It's warmer in the cave." She told me. "I'm fine, I can handle the gentle breeze." I told her, not even looking at her nor blinking as I just stared at the moon. She came up to me and went around me so that she was on my left. She then moved so she was right next to me, I didn't even realize that I had lied down while I was lost in my thoughts.

She moved a little closer to me and then lied down. Her body was up against mine and it felt oddly comfortable. I then lied my head down on my paws. "You weren't kidding about the nice gentle breeze, it feels good." She said. "The position we're in combined with that gentle breeze, is very comfortable, strangely enough." I said. She chuckled, then she gave me a small gentle lick on the back of my neck. "Did you just---?" I asked when she interrupted me, "Yes I did just give you a small lick." She said, "I couldn't help it, it's not my fault you're so handsome." She said in a flirty tone.

"You alright?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" She asked in response. "You're acting different." I said. "No, I'm acting affectionate." She said. I figured it was probably some sort of female thing so I didn't bother worrying much more about it, I went ahead and laid my head back down onto my paws as I slowly drifted back to sleep. When I woke up I was still in the same position I was in when I fell asleep. Except her head was lying over my neck. Just great, I should have moved away from her some, oh well. Just gotta be careful not to wake her. I thought to myself.

I started by slowly inching my head out from under hers just so she wouldn't feel too much movement. "Please stay Shad--" I heard her mumble, I couldn't understand the rest, is she dreaming about me? I asked myself. It's just a dream, not like it means anything. "Will you be my ma--" I heard her mumble again.  Ok now this is just getting weird. I thought to myself, I'll have to ask her about what she was saying with that last one, hopefully she'll be able to remember what she was dreaming about, whatever it was she was certainly into it, so the chances she'd forget were unlikely.

Yes finally I'm free! I thought to myself as I finally got my head out from under hers. Now to get up nice and easy, and slowly too. I thought to myself. So I slowly moved sideways. "Huh, Shadow?" She asked, no longer mumbling, I realized I woke her up. Dammit, I failed to get out of that position without waking her up, oh well. I thought, no I woke up myself. I keep forgetting she's a psychic too. I thought. "So uh Gem?" I asked. "Yes?" She questioned. "What, what were you dreaming about?" I asked. Her face turned a little red. "Nothing much, I just know you and some other random things were in my dream." She said.

"I asked because the last time I heard you mumble something you were asking me something." I told her, when I said that her face turned an even darker shade of red. "You alright? Your face is looking a little heated, you sick or something?" I asked, her face turned an even darker shade of red. "N-no. I just asked you to be my friend" She said. "You're lying, aren't you?" I asked. "No I'm not." She said. "You can't lie to me, I can see it on your face that you're lying, if there is something bothering you, you can talk to me. Plus your facial expression isn't the only way I know you're lying, because when you mumbled the first time all I heard was 'Please stay Shad--' and then the last thing I heard you mumble, which was a few moments after that was 'Will you be my ma--' so what were you asking?" I asked.

"Please don't worry about it, I'm fine." She said. "Alright then." I said as I gave up. "The next few nights are going to be freezing cold, we might have to sleep against each other for warmth. If it's not going to bother you, I mean after last night I don't think it would, but I thought I should still ask regardless." I said. "I'd have no problems with that." She said. "Alright then." I responded. Is she in love with me? No, no that can't be it, just stop it dumb mind, guess I have to teach my mind the lie I've been going by to make it stop believing that it'll happen: there is no such thing as love, there is no such thing as love, there is no such thing, no such thing, no such thing, No....Such.....Thing! I thought to myself.

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