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"CAN YOU GUYS STOP FIGHTING FOR ONE SECOND!" Sheila screamed at the top of her lungs. The two stopped fighting. "Alright now, instead of bickering at each other, let's think of a plan, Gem, you said he has a psychic block up right?" Sheila asked. "Uh yeah." Gem said. "Well, what if we combined our psychic, we might be able to break through his psychic block." Sheila suggested. "That might work." Gem said.

The two then proceeded to combine their psychic links and enter into Shadow's mind that way. Now we join our friend in his mind.

"So, I've been wanting to ask you, why are you even helping a lowly creature such as myself like this? Aren't you busy protecting this island?" I asked him. "I tend to help people and pokémon that I find worthy of it." He answered. "But why me? I don't think I'd be worthy of a guardian's help." I said. "Oh but you are, with your personality you'd even be worthy of being a guardian yourself, with the proper training that is." He said. "Uh yeah, I'd prefer not to be, for one, I am too busy as it is, and for two, like I said, I am not worthy of it, or any of this for that matter. So let me ask you again, why me?" I asked.

"Believe what you will my friend. Enough talk, it's time to train, this is going to be rough, just a forewarning: any pain you feel in here you will feel in reality thusly causing you to actually feel it here as well." He said. "Let us begin." He finished. He started off with electroball, I dodged to the side and used Shadow Ball. He countered with a thunderbolt. Before I knew it he blindsided me with a thunder punch.

Meanwhile in the cave.

"That's odd, it only allowed Gem through but blocked me out this time." Sheila said. After about a minute or two she heard Shadow suddenly wince in pain. "Huh? That didn't sound like the kind of whine or whimper you'd have in a nightmare or anything, that sounded like actual genuine pain. What's going on?" Sheila asked. "I don't know, I've never heard about anything like this either." Flare said.

In his mind, we join Gem as she made it through.

It's really dark, wait there he is, it looks like he's talking to someone, but no one's there. Gem thought to herself, she continued observing because she didn't want to do anything yet, at least not at the wrong time. Now it looks like he's attacking something or someone when nothings there either. What the?! He just moved as if he got hit by something. Ugh Shadow, what are you seeing that I'm not? She asked herself. The psychic block finally let her in but it's not letting her see and hear what Shadow is seeing and hearing.

Now back to Shadow's point of view.

"Ugh, ow, that hurt." I said. "I told you, it was going to hurt." He said. "But this is how it must be if you are to get stronger." He said. "Now let's continue." He said as I got up. I then used Foul Play and managed to hit him. "How's that for power huh?" I said. "Foul Play huh? Well then, let's go all out." He said. He then used Electric Terrain. I then used Wonder Room in counter action, hoping his next move was going to be a good one I could copy. "How does it feel to loose some of your defense?" I said, trying to make him angry. He then attempted to use Thunder Punch again but I dodged it then used copycat.

Even if I now have his defense and special defense, this electric terrain is going to make it harder for me to defeat him. I need to end this soon. I thought to myself. He then used discharge followed by brave bird, both attacks hitting me. "Alright, time to finish this, and finish this now." I said as I got up, ignoring the fact that I heard someone calling my name. I used bite followed by take down followed by Shadow claw and body slam, finishing with a Shadow Ball. Each one I ensured to hit him with. He was down on the ground I went over to him and put one leg on him to hold him down, ready to attack him if he began to get back up. "Do you yield?" I asked.

"What?" He asked. "I said, do...you...yield?" I asked again. "I yield, you win." He said. "Now, I want you to wake me up and get out of my mind, and once you do that. Never meddle in my life again, am I clear?" I said. "You have made yourself very clear." He said. "Good. Now leave." I said, stepping off of him. He disappeared and I woke up. "Shadow! You're alright!" Gem said. "Uh guys...I saw....I saw." I said trying to get my words out but trying to figure out how. "What did you see?" Flare asked. "I saw Tapu Koko." I said. "Probably just a dream." Flare said. "No, I don't think it was fake, but at the same time it wasn't real either" Sheila said. "Mind elaborating?" Flare said.

"You saw how every so often he'd wince in pain, and he moved, evidence that he was engaged in battle with someone, and you can't feel pain in a dream.
So therefore, it had to be a situation where he was in his mind but at the same time being awake." She said. "Yeah, when I was in there I saw him fighting and talking to something. Every so often he'd move like something had hit him. I think he was battling Tapu Koko in that, seeing as he claims to have seen Tapu Koko despite being unconscious this entire time." Gem said. "Uh yeah, I was battling him, I remember something he told me, he said that he helps people and pokémon he feels is worthy of it.

He also told me that he had planted that TM I found at the start of last winter. According to him, we've met when I was so young I couldn't remember. Yeah, Sheila, Flare, how could you not tell me about that last part?" I asked. "Um, well....we didn't because we kind of sort of...forgot, and we didn't feel you would be okay with knowing that you almost ended up growing up without a home or family." Shiela explained. "Yeah, we would never have found you if it weren't for him." Flare said. I then proceeded to tell them everything else he told me. "Wait, crystals? What crystals?" Sheila asked. "The crystals that exist deeper in this cave.

I showed them to Shadow some time ago." She said. "To me, Tapu Koko is kind of a jerk, if I'm being honest here." I said. "With what you said, I can see why, I mean he forced you to remain unconscious, and besides I wouldn't have minded watching that battle." Sheila said. "Well, I had to resort to thos dirty tricks, you know, Foul Play, Wonder room, copycat, take down. I don't like using those cheap moves. Take down is sort of fine, but the other three I really dislike using." I said. I then explained the battle in full detail even things we said and how.I attempted to make him angry , including what I did when I got him down on the ground.

How's that for "full power" Tapu Koko? You've made a horrible decision, plus you've just lost the respect of four pokémon purely because you're such a jerk. Things got heated up this episode, even I'm a bit taken aback at how much of a badass I made Shadow out to be in this one. I feel like I've made a horrible decision.


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