Ignited Journy

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Flare's point of view, when Flare and Sheila left their home.

"Alright Shadow, me and Sheila made this scarf for you, something you can remember us by even after we left." I told Shadow, who was still an eevee. We made it's color be black since Sheila knew exactly what he'd evolve into. We hugged our younger brother and gave him the scarf, we then hugged our parents. "Alright bye everyone!" Me and Sheila said at the same time. Everyone the said bye to us. "Goodbye you two, I'm going to miss you two so much, I hope we meet again someday!" Shadow said. "I feel the same way." Sheila said. "I as well." I said. "Alright sis, I guess this is goodbye." I said. "Yes this is." Sheila said.

We then parted ways, she went the direction towards that cliff I assume to follow the pathway down that way, unless she's so good with her psychic that she can just float herself down, either way she went towards the cliff, I however went deeper into the forest. I needed to find a food source or find some prey to start off before I get hungry. After some walking I couldn't sniff out any berries and I started to get hungry, but then I smelled something else. Ah, Rattata, perfect, it might not be berries but it's still prey nonetheless, and I gotta get food somehow. I thought to myself. Once I sniff out where it is and find it I use Flamethrower on it.

"Sorry little guy, but I need to get food somehow." I said as I continued using flamethrower to pretty much cook it alive. I guess well done should suffice. I thought to myself. Once it had finally died I went ahead and ate it. You did put up a good fight little guy, and you gave me a good amount of sustenance, may you rest in peace. I thought to myself. "Now let's hope I can find myself some berries so I don't have to do that again." I said to myself. I continued walking. I rested at night to conserve my energy. I didn't want to go too far away from my old home so that I could visit Shadow every so often, but if I couldn't find a good spot I'd have to go really far away.

Sadly enough there were no good spots to stay, so I was forced to possibly walk miles away. It took a full day or two before I finally found the familiar scent of berries. "Yes! Finally! Berries, I don't have to eat anymore critters." I said to myself, I don't really care for Oran Berries but it'll do. I heard rustling in a bush near me. Oh no, salandit, I just got to hope it's only one. I thought to myself. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Said a salandit. "Looks like we found ourselves a flareon." Said a different one. "This is going to be fun." Another one said. Dammit, there's three, I need to run. I thought to myself. "Where do you think you're going?" The bugger one said.

"Anywhere but here." I said. "But we haven't had our fun yet, GET 'IM BOYS!" The one shouted, they were all about to attack until. "Stand down you three." Came an unknown voice. When I looked I saw a salazzle appearing from there. FOUR OF THEM?! I screamed in my mind. "Sorry about them, been a while since they've fought anything." She said. "I just came to warn you that our territory is just up at the pass so you'll want to stay away from there unless you want to get attacked. Come on boys let's go, leave the Flareon alone, he's not in our territory." She said and then left, the salandit following her.

She's...nice I guess. I don't know what's going on here and I don't want to know. I thought to myself. I ate a few of the Oran Berries and then continued walking. Alright so beware the pass, I guess I'll have to go around it if I am to leave this area safely. I thought. "I hope Sheila's faring better than I am." I said to myself. I made a leaf basket to carry some of the berries with me, using tree sap as glue for it. Once I gathered some berries I continued walking. I am not going to stick around in case those Salandit come back and that Salazzle isn't here to stop them.

Knowing Salandit, once they find a target they'll keep going after it until their target leaves the area they saw them in. I thought to myself. I then left the area. I walked and walked, I knew the rules we must abide by, once a trainer starts battling us we have to battle them, not being allowed to run until battling them some, then we may run. So I had run into a couple of them and fought (and won both times.) I have run into other pokémon that usually wanted to battle, I won some and lost others. After a couple years I still couldn't find a good home. "Well well well, looks like some fool decided to enter our territory." Someone said.

It was a pack of Houndoom. "We don't like trespassers." The one that appeared to be the leader said. "Please, I didn't know this was your territory." I said. "You're still here nonetheless." He said. "I'll leave then." I said. "No you need to be punished and left for dead." He said. I then ran right through them to confuse them. But it didn't work and they started chasing me. I ran and ran, the pack following behind me closing in on me with each passing second, me screaming for help, when suddenly a shiny Umbreon and an Espeon jumped out of the bushes and took down the entire pack. "You alright?" The Umbreon asked after chatting with the Espeon some.

You guys know the rest, next page is Sheila's pont of view starting at the same point as we did with Flare, I'm doing this so that I have time to prepare for the eggs hatching and figure out what I want to happen after that, and to get a break from the main storyline before I run out of ideas.

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