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I followed her even deeper into the cave, passing the berries and getting to where it's pitch black. "Ugh we need some light, hang on." I said as I was about to make my rings glow. "No, don't, as much as I'd love to see your blue rings glow in this darkness, we can't have any light at the moment otherwise we won't be able to see our destination." She said. "Oh, alright." I said stopping myself from having them glow.

After like 10 more minutes of walking slowly there was a dim light coming from somewhere. "Ah yes, there it is!" She said, speeding up. I followed her into the room. "Ah! The light! Give me a second, my eyes need to adjust." I said. I blinked a few times. "Ok that's better, now, what'd you wa--" I paused as I saw the room, there were crystals all over the inside, sunlight reflecting off of the one under the small hole that the sunlight enters through in the middle of the roof. Thusly causing them to reflect onto the other crystals, making them all reflect off of each other and making them sparkle, I couldn't help but walk further into my room.

"Woah, your fur..." Gem said. "What about it?" I asked. "It's sparkling too." She said. "Wait what?!" I asked surprised. I looked back and saw that it was. "Hang on. I can fix it." I said and then backed up to the entrance of the room. "There. Now that's better." I said. Can't really sparkle if I'm out of the sunlight, and the crystals' light reflection. I thought. "You really need to stop worrying about the way you look, I don't care about your looks, I love you for the kind of guy you are, not for your looks." She said as she walked up to me and kissed me. "As long as you stay the kind person you are, I'll remain here by your side." She whispered in my ear after we parted. She then proceeded to give me a couple licks, one on my cheek and then one on my neck.

"Hey stop that! That tickles!" I said chuckling. "Oh? You want some more?" She said jokingly. "Or how about this?" She said. She then tackled me. We continued our little bit of roughhousing for a few moments, laughing like a pair of little Eevees. Tackling each other pinning each other, ramming each other in the side etc. We knew that it'd end up hurting later, but we didn't care, all we knew, and cared about, is that we were having fun playing around. We finished when we ran out of breath. We lied next to each other, she was curled up next to me and her head on my chest.

"Ahhh....this is the life." I said as I let out a nice sigh. She turned so she was laying on her stomach so she could look at me dead in the eyes. "Yeah, it's no life without you here with me, that's for sure." She said. Her beautiful magenta eyes staring right at mine.I just couldn't help it, I kissed her. This was the best moment of my life, even better than when we first kissed. Just because of the position we were in, the romantics of the room, the mood, and our love for each other. "You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever met." I said with a smile. "Aww, thank you!" She said and then nuzzled me. "You are one of the sweetest guys I've ever met." She said returning the compliment. "Thanks!" I said, my smile still unchanged.

"Do you smell something?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said, I sniffed the air a little more. "It smells like something burning." I said. "We should check it out, if it's a forest fire or something then we'll have to warn everyone, if it's just some trainers camping we won't really have to worry since this is a pokémon reservation site." I continued. "Yeah, hopefully it's just some trainers camping." She said. We got up, I didn't want to leave that position but we had to so that we can make sure that smell isn't being caused by a forest fire. So we left this part of the cave, I had my rings glowing on the way back to the entrance.

I'll have to go back there when the moon is at just the right spot, to see if it's any different. I thought to myself as we went around and then up the pathway to get to the mountain that the den is next to. When we got to a flat bit we saw some trainers with some tents and what appeared to be a campfire which they seemed to be using to cook stuff. "We should keep our distance." I said. "Yeah, there is a small chance they don't know that this is a reservation site." Gem said. "Whatever they're cooking, it's certainly creating a nice aroma." I said. Even though we know they are trainers, I was still curious, I've never really been in contact with trainers before.

However one of their four legged pokémon seemed to have spotted me or something because it appeared it was trying the get the trainer's attention while looking in my direction. The trainer then looked in my direction too. Though it seemed they hadn't noticed Gem. "Gem come over here so that they notice that there is two of us, just in case." I said. Gem was somewhat behind me, she seemed like she was trying to stay hidden until I said what I did. "If they attack. We do too. For now, let's wait to see what happens." I said. "Don't worry little guy! We're not her to capture any of you!" The one trainer said, sounding male. "Ok so looks like they know what this place is." I said. I inched a little closer, sniffing the air.

"Why don't you come over here?!" The trainer yelled towards us again. Feeling like I could hopefully trust them I slowly and skeptically moved closer. When I got to where they set up camp, I was scared of what might happen but instead the trainer handed me some berries, "here you go little guy." He said kneeling down. I quickly snatched them then ran away as fast as my legs could carry me. When I got to gem I dropped them and rolled them over to her. "Here, you take them." I said. "You sure?" She asked. "Yeah, I don't want or need them, there are plenty of berries growing here. Just take them." I said, I nuzzled her after I finished talking. She went ahead and ate them and then we quickly ran back down.

"Oh wow, I feel so alive!" I yelled. "Yeah, probably, with that kind of encounter, I'd think you would." She said. "What's going on? What happened?" Sheila asked, that leafeon with her this time. "We just had an encounter with a trainer who's set up camp here. They gave us some berries. They handed them to me and then I snatched them and ran away, running faster than I ever have before." I explained. "It's going to snow tomorrow." The leafeon said. "Uh Tyler was it?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "How did you and Sheila meet? And how do you know it's going to snow?" I asked. "To answer your first question, it's a long story, to answer your second question, some of us grass types have the ability to 'sense' the weather." Tyler said.

This is taking so long, I keep getting distracted, I also keep getting lost in my own story while I'm writing it.

You know, I am just thinking as I write this, I'm not even planning what I'm writing before hand.

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