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"Sis, we've never fought before, and I wish for it to stay that way. I'm sorry for scaring you like I did." I said, I knew how to calm her down, because she and Flare would argue sometimes, though I kept stopping those fights. So I knew how she is when she gets mad and how to deal with it. "Well that was quick." Tyler said. "It's taken me much longer to calm her down when she gets angry." He continued. "I pretty much know what makes her tick and what'll calm her down, she and Flare fought every so often and usually I was able to end them, sometimes I failed." I explained.

"There looks like a storm is coming. Based on how dark the clouds are it looks like a horrible blizzard is going to be coming. We should head back to our den." Sheila said. "Alright, see ya sis." I said. "Oh and Shadow, never do that again or you won't hear the end of it." She said. "Alright I won't." I said. She then left. "Welp, I guess we'll be snowed in for the rest of today." She said, snuggling up against me as I snuggled up against her. We just loved to be close to each other like this. "I love so much." She said.

"I love you too." I said. I then kissed her gem. "Too bad you don't have any sweet spots like that." She said. "Eh, don't need 'em. I don't really mind not having any." I said. For now we should eat something and get as much rest as we can, and eat every so often if we are to survive this winter." I said. "Yeah." She said. I slowly got up, just to ensure my wounds don't reopen and to ensure I don't use too much energy. "I'm fine. Just need to make sure I don't make too many sudden movements and I should be fine." I said. "No, you shouldn't risk it, I don't want you passing out on me." She said worriedly so I just lied back down as she told.

She went a little deeper into the cave where we had the berries stored, the cold entering the cave is keeping them preserved. She came back with a Rowap Berry and a couple others for me and a Starf berry and a couple for herself. "Here." She said handing me the berries she got for me. "Thanks!" I said. "Anything for you!" She said. "Right back at you!" I said with a chuckle. I ate the others first then I ate the Rowap Berry. When she finished hers she came and snuggled up to me again, I snuggled up to her as well enjoying the moment while it lasted. I almost wanted this to last forever.

The winter didn't have much going on for the two, just a bunch of cuddling and eating is pretty much all that happened that winter, so now we join our friends at the beginning of spring

I made sure to wake up early morning as spring had finally arrived, finally as great as it was to be snuggled up to her, we no longer have to deal with the cold of winter. I left the cave and went to the hill to watch the sunrise. "Ahhh, smell that fresh air, that fresh spring air." I said quietly to myself completely forgetting the other season spring is, that being mating season. "This feels like that day before we fell in love." Gem said walking up to me. Startled, I jumped back, she just laughed. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you." She said. "It's fine." I said.

I heard what I think sounded like a call for help for a moment, I perked my ears up. I looked in the distance, fire was being thrown up into air, seeming to get closer. I then heard it again this time Gem seemed to hear it too. "Come on I think someone is in trouble." She said. We both ran in that direction. When we got to where the pokémon we saw a Flareon getting chased by a group of Houndooms. Then we heard one of the Houndooms yell. "YOU THINK YOU CAN CROSS THROUGH OUR TERRITORY AND GET AWAY WITH IT?!" "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOUR TERRITORY! I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT!" The Flareon yelled.

I leaped out of the shadows and used Shadow ball right in the middle of the group. Gem followed using psychic to slam one of them around. It didn't take long for us two to mow down the small group of Houndooms. The flareon just stood and stared. "Hey uh Shadow?" Gem asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Don't you think that was a little too easy?" She asked. "Uh yeah...that or those Houndoom were very weak. "Shadow? Is that you? My younger brother?" The flareon asked. "Flare? Well isn't this just a coincidence, Sheila's probably going to be so happy you've ended up in the area!" I said. "Wait, our sister is here too?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's with a leafeon named Tyler." I explained. "What's funny is she was getting attacked by some pokémon when we found her, and you were getting chased by a pack when we found you." I told him. He chuckled at that. "So, is this your mate?" He asked. "Uh yeah." I said. "Well, since it's spring, and knowing how you are about this season, I'd be careful around her." He said. "Oh.....I completely forgot what spring meant." I said looking at her. "Yeah, well, good luck with that." He said. "Well I'm not just going to avoid her, that'd not only be bad for our relationship, but that'd also make us both sad." I said. "Which is why I said good luck with that, now could you show me where Sheila is, I would like to talk to her and catch up on some things." He said. "Right this way!" I told him.

Just a reminder, there will be absolutely no mature scenes in this, however the story will skip both of them AND I WANT TO SEE ABSOLUTELY NO COMPLAINTS ABOUT IT!

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