Is it destiny?

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I woke up, or so I thought. I was in a random meadow. I was in pain. "Oww what's with this headache?" I said as I slowly got up. I looked around and didn't see the cave or anything familiar, all I saw was a meadow with some trees around the edge of it with a mountain in the distance, when I didn't see Gem anywhere I panicked. "Gem?! Gem where are you?!" I shouted, no response. "Sheila?! Flare?! Anyone?!" I shouted, still no response. I was about ready to cry. No, I can't cry, there is no time in this world to cry, not now, for now I need to figure out where I am, how I got here and see if I can find everyone. I thought, controlling my feelings.

"First I need to get my barings, I am clearly alone, I have a small headache, and there are no distortions which means this is real." I said to myself as I looked around. "This world is not real, it's something I generated in your mind." I heard an unknown voice tell me. I frantically looked around only to see no one around. "And now I'm going insane, I'm hearing voices, huh, it usually takes a longer time without contact with anyone, oh well." I said to myself. "No, I am real." The voice said again. "Ok then where are you show yourself!" I yelled. "Clearly you haven't been tought enough." The voice said. "Are you one of the Guardians?!" I asked. "Yes, I am." It said.

Now that voice is starting to sound familiar, why do I feel like I've heard that voice before? I thought. "Tapu Koko?" I asked. "Yes, it's me Tapu Koko." He said finally making his appearance in front of me. "I've been keeping watch over Mele Mele Island for as long as anyone can remember, but never have I seen any creature such as yourself, and I don't mean the pokémon you are." He told me. I'm in the presence of one of the island guardians, I'm excited and also kind of intimidated. "Wait, I have three questions, firstly, are those crystals in the cave at that reservation site a gift from the guardians?" I asked.

"Yes, we placed those there so that any pokémon that wished to have help learning the full extent of their abilities, and strength, and even power, as suspected by those who lived there before you." He told me. "Second, how are you here in my mind, and how'd you knock me out without being near me? You're no psychic and I don't think you'd know that move." I said. "Technically we do, it's just not apparent, or as apparent as when other pokémon use it, as in it's just something we know, it's not really a move." He explained. "And third, what did you mean by what you said about me?" I asked.

"Your strength, how your body suddenly changed out of nowhere, and your power. Also remember that TM you found?" He asked. "Uh yeah, wait how'd you know about that?" I asked. "Well I was the one that placed it there, I placed it in a way where no one else would notice it, that way you'd eventually enter that crystal cove part of your den and have to connect to the crystals' aura, since that day those poachers knocked you out and your body changed, I've pretty much been controlling your destiny as much as I should and could, you posses as much power as I, or at least you could, and maybe even more.

I will help you fully realize your potential power. Sadly, you must remain unconscious because of your situation I wouldn't be able to get you by yourself, so this is the only way I can help you and cause the least amount of worrying, and because I'm here your mind has put up a psychic block to prevent anything else from entering your mind. "I wanted to ask you one more thing." I said.

"Yes?" He asked. "Why did your voice sound so familiar?" I asked. "I'm surprised you were able to remember the sound of my voice when it was so long ago." He said. "What? What do you mean?" I said, starting to get defensive. "Let's just say I've found you, and even spoken to you when you were a little Eevee, you wandered away from your home while your parents were scavenging for food, and your siblings were out looking for you, I ended up finding you and brought you back to your home." He explained. "Ohhh." I said. "Now that there are no more questions, let us begin." He said.

Meanwhile, in his den in the real world.

"What do you mean you can't see what's wrong?! You're a psychic for crying out loud!" Flare yelled at Gem. "I mean he has a psychic block up, I can't see into his mind!" Gem said. "Screw this, I'm waking him up one way or another." Flare said as he readied an attack. "Oh no you don't! Not on my watch!" Gem yelled. "Got any better ideas?!" Flare yelled. "Actually, I do, we wait." Gem said. "So you're just going to sit there and do nothing! I thought you cared about him!" Flare yelled. "OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT HIM! I JUST CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS! HE HAS A PSYCHIC BLOCK UP AND ATTACKING HIM WILL JUST MAKE IT WORSE!" Gem screamed.

The two pokémon continued to bicker and argue with each other, Sheila unable to stop this ruckus, they'll be in for a long ride as the two won't stop their arguing for anything. I hope he wakes up soon because I don't know how much longer anyone's going to be able to handle the yelling and screaming.

Huh, so apparently Shadow has met Tapu Koko when he was much younger. Now he's learned his full power can match those of a guardian. This is getting interesting.

Stay tuned.


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