Chapter 8

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"Cross, umm do you want to....head to the...somewhere...else?" Dream asked. "Dream, This is the perfect time for you to talk to Nightmare. I won't let you go anywhere." I say. "Cross please-" I started to pull Dream to Nightmare and Killer.

Nightmare's POV
Killer and I had decided to go on a short walk to try and clear our heads a little. Just then I saw Dream and Cross in the distance. I look up at Killer and hide behind him. "Boss it's ok, they won't hurt you." Killer Said.
Cross and Dream came right up to us. Dream saw me and glared at me. "What do you want?" Killer asked. "DREAM has something he would like to say." Cross pulled Dream out in front of him and looked at him with 'Sorry'
Dream hesitated a bit. He didn't know what to say, I didn't either.
"So?" Killer asked. We stared at eachother in silence.

"Well if your not going to say anything then we might as well leave" Killer said. We turned around and began to walk away.
"W-Wait!" Dream shouted, we turned around and looked at him.
"I.... I just wanted to say that I uh- I'm sorry for shouting at you.. it was wrong of me" Dream mumbled. I ran up to him and hugged him. He flinched and pushed me away. We stood there awkwardly for a bit.
"Well uh.. see you around I guess?" Dream said. He grabbed cross hand and they proceeded to walk back to their empire. Killer sighed
"Cmon Nightmare" he said, as he began to walk back to our castle.

Cross's POV

"Well that didn't go as planned" I though. I looked at dream.
"You were meant to have a nice brotherly moment there" I said
"Look it's not that easy, I told him he would have to figure it out himself" Dream let go of my hand and sat down by one of the flower patches.
"I suggest we just stay away from them for a while" he says, I sit down beside him.
"I guess if that makes you feel better..." I say.

Killers POV

When we finally get back to Nightmares castle me and him sit down in his bedroom.
"How am I supposed to get him back?" Nightmare sighs.
"I would suggest doing something that reminded him of a nice moment you two had. I'm not certain as I don't know much about you two but isn't your au kinda destroyed" I say
"Yeah but why does that matter" he asks.
"Well maybe you can remake the au you two lived in"
Nightmares face brightens up
"Killer your such a genius!" He shouts.
"But how would we remake it?"
We think for a moment then I get an idea.
"We could ask Ink to help us recreate it!
But the problem is we would have to get into the castle to ask him" I say
Nightmare stands up
"Then we'll just have to sneak in!"
"What?! Are you crazy? How are you even going to get in?" I ask.
"We." Nightmare corrected.
"Well..I guess I could help..but if we get caught it's your fault!" I said.
"Don't worry, we won't. I think I have an idea. We could wait until Ink goes to the garden, then I'll come from behind and knock him out. We can force him to recreate the Au!" Nightmare explained.
"What? I know they're our enemies but isn't that too much?" I ask.
"It's the only thing I've got ok?"
"Fine, we can do it."

Once me and Nightmare had gotten ready, we set off through the woods over to Dreams empire. We didn't know if Ink would be out in the castle gardens or not so we packed a lot of food so we could stay in the woods for a few nights. Surprisingly, he was there. He was with blue though. We decided it would be best if we just took the both of them so blue couldn't go complaining to Dream about what me and nightmare were doing.

Inks POV

After the incident, dream had been giving me and blue less work. We had a work free day once so me and blue decided to spend time in the gardens. We were just chatting till blue looked behind me. Just before either of us could do anything, I felt a something hard hit the back of my skull and everything went black.

I woke up in some sort of dark room. "My head hurts like hell.." I looked around the room. Blue was chained up on the wall next to me, still knocked out. There was nothing in the room, except chains and a door. Just then the door opened. Without thinking I pretended to be knocked out. "Ink I know you're awake." A voice said. "What do you want from us?!" I shouted. When I looked up it was Killer and...Nightmare? "We don't want to hurt you, we just want to ask a favor.." nightmare said. "What? Since when did you get soft?" I ask. Nightmare looked offended.
"Just because I'm not all goopy doesn't mean I can't still kill you! But that's not the point..I need your help" Nightmare said. I could sense sadness in his voice. But I don't fully trust him..
"We need you to help us get dream back" Nightmare explained.
"And why would we do that?" I retorted.
"Because your our only hope, We want you to recreate our old au and that might just bring him back"
I didn't exactly want to help him, after all of this war I don't think I ever will trust him. However, I did miss the old dream a bit.
"Fine, but it may take some time so be patient" I said
"But can me and blue go back to our empire now?"
Nightmare looked relieved and nodded.
"Sorry that we did this, I didn't really have any other choice"
He walked up to us and took the chains off, he then teleported me and blue back to the gardens.

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