Chapter 1

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-Dreams POV-

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. 'Ugh anouther day of work' I think. I get up to change clothes, I look at the clock and see it's 5:45am. Damn it's  way too early. I decide to take a walk to the garden and have a bit of fresh air before I start working. Ink and blue are obviously not awake yet. I run out of the castle and over to the garden, I lay down and  feel the breeze on my face, it was extremely windy despite it being early in the morning.
I flinch as I hear a noise coming from the bushes. 'It cant possibly be anyone from the moon empire' I think 'They haven't attacked in months and they don't know our location. I watch the bushes praying it was just an animal. I see a bit of black and white so I start to back off.

Suddenly, Cross jumps out and tackles me into a hug. "Ahhh! Oh it's just you. Cross don't scare me like that you nearly gave my a heart attack!" I said. "Heh, sorry Dream. But your face was just priceless!" Cross said and started laughing. "Oh shut up Cross." I said. "Awww you know you love me." I blushed. "I- ehhh?!" I was really flustered. Cross chuckled as he helped me up.

"Cross if you startle me again you might alert the guards!" I explain. The guards are always up early in the morning patrolling the outskirts of the castle. Since Cross is part of the moon empire he isn't welcome here so he has to be careful. "And what are you doing up so early?" I ask. Cross just shrugs and says "Well Nightmare doesn't let us go out much so if I wanted free time I would have to wake up early and sneak out" "Ah ok then. So what do you want to do in the meantime?" I ask. "Hmmm I dunno. Let's just walk around the garden and catch up a bit." Cross said. "Ok!" I took Cross by the hand and began to walk around.

"Sooo what's new?" Cross asked. "Nothing much...just the usual. Ink steals skittles from the break room. I caught him last night at almost three in the morning." I said laughing a bit at remembering how loud Ink had been. "Haha, aren't you going to do something about that?" Cross asked. "No, just let him have his skittles. He loves them so I'll just let him enjoy them." I say, smiling a bit. "Blue was doing his usual training aswell" I say "He nearly broke my arm with his blasters. Ink was meant to be training with him but was too exhausted from the recent training so I took inks place instead. It was kind of fun I guess but I'll stick to normal" Cross looks at me trying not to laugh

"You have a real funny, not going to "Blue was doing his usual training aswell" I say "He nearly broke my arm with his blasters. Ink was meant to be training with him but was too exhausted from the recent training so I took inks place instead. It was kind of fun I guess but I'll stick to normal" Cross looks at me trying to laugh "You have a real funny, not going to lie"
"Oh really? What's your group like then?" I ask. He pauses and hesitates for a moment "Honestly not much Better than yours, Red and error always keep fighting over chocolate, kills being lazy and up to no good and horror burns the kitchen down like usual" He laughs.

"We should probably go to my room. It's getting late and the guards might see you" I tell Cross. "Okay dreamy" I grab his hand and we run back into the castle and up the stairs into my room. I jump on the bed and cross follows. "So has nightmare got any plans?" I ask. "No, he's been surprisingly quiet and hasn't ordered us to do anything recently" Cross mutters "It's quite suspicious really, as if he's plotting something so deep he doesn't even trust us" I look at him and say "Well if anything were to happen you can protect me!" I smile at him and he smiles back.

Suddenly the door busts open. I push cross off the bed creating a thud. Ink runs through the door. "Dream! Blue stole my skittles again!" He shouts. "Ink it's not that big of a deal, just tell blue I want him to give them back" I sigh at Ink. "Okay also what was that noise?" He asks. I hesitate and say "I d-dont know, it probably came from downstairs" Ink looks at me for a moment "Ok well cya" he shuts the door.

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