Chapter 3

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We stare at Horror for a while and he stares at us. "Traitor!" Horror shouts. We can't teleport, so we still have to wait for our magic. Cross is desperately trying to figure out an escape. I take a deep breath, and use all of my magic to teleport us outside the castle. Everything went black.

-Cross' POV-

Dream teleported us to the front of the castle, and passed out. "Dream!" We all shouted. I put him down. Ink checked Dream's soul. "Phew...He's ok, just tired. He had used all of his power that he had to get us out of there." Ink said. "Oh Dream..." I thought. I picked him up in my arms. I could feel my magic coming back. "Guys, I think I'm ok to teleport us to my hideout." I say.

"Hideout?" Blue asked. Ink looked just as confused. "I'll...explain when we get there." I say teleporting to my secret area.

~at Cross's hideout~

"Alright, now that we're here, explain." Ink said. "Well you was a Long time ago when Nightmare destroyed an Au...when I started sneaking out to see Dream I had gone back to that Au and Chara copied the code to a house that was there before. We found this abandoned place far away from our castles and decided that this was a good place to put the code just in case something like this ever happened." I explained.

"That's pretty smart I guess" Ink says.
"Well try to make yourself at home, we might have to stay here for a while" I say, as I put dream on the sofa. Blue walks up to me and whispers to me,

"Do you like him?"
I blush and mutter
"I- I guess"
Blue pauses
"Well promise to take care of him"
I smile
"I promise"

Ink and blue sit down and start taking, I sit on the sofa beside dream and place a blanket on him.

Dreams POV

I started waking up and felt someone's hand in mine.As I opened my eyes I saw Ink and blue staring at me with the "I ship this" expression on there faces. I turned my head and saw cross laying beside me. I sat up startled.

"Oo Dream do you have a new boyfriend?"
Ink asked.
"Wha-? No!!!" I said, uncertainly.
"Yes you do! And I ship it!" Blue said laughing.
"Be quiet or you'll wake up cross" I said without thinking"
"Ooooooooo" Ink and blue said

I had realized what I just said. My face heated up and a tint of yellow blush crawled across my face. I tired to cover my face but I couldn't move with Cross next to me. Ink and Blue just stood there smirking at us. Cross started to shift around. "Hmm?" He mumbled. Realization hit and he blushed a bright purple. "Heyyyyy Crooooossss~" Blue smirked. "Sh-shut up..." Cross mumbled. But he didn't let go. "Umm Cross? Could you.....let go?" I asked.

Cross looked up at me and blushed even more while letting me go. I got out of his grip and stood up. Cross stood up as well. "I ship it!" Ink and blue said in unison. They both started laughing.
I sighed and sat back down, I was still a bit weary and injured but the magic I used didn't affect my health too much.
"Dream and Cross sitting in a tree" Blue began to sing
"K I S S I N G" Ink continued

"Shut up or I'll kick you both out" cross said
Blue and ink ignored him and continued
Cross just sighed and say back down.
"So ummm about yesterday....I'm sorry I wasn't there soon enough to protect you..." Cross said. "Cross it's not your fault! I didn't listen to you. It was my foolishness of writing that letter that got me into this mess." I said trying to comfort Cross.

"Well I'm sorry either way. I had promised I would protect you." Cross apologised. "I already forgave you." I said pulling Cross into a hug. He hugged me back. Ink and Blue started clapping. "Beautiful. Just beautiful." They said. I stared at them. "Way to ruin the moment guys." I said. The giggled and ran off. I sighed. "Feeling better?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks Dreamy." Cross said. "You're welcome Crossy." I replied
We both giggled.

"So when can we go home?"
I asked
"Well you and your friends can go home whenever you want aslong as my group aren't around that area" cross pauses
"Could I come with you by any chance? Horror has probably told Nightmare and he'll be ready for me to come back so he can kill me" he sighs.
"Of course you can come with me!" He looks at me, astonished then hugs me.
"Thank you so much!"
"No problem"
I hug him back

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