Chapter 4

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I sat down on my bed.
Cross threw a pillow at me. "Hmmmfff! What was that for?" I asked. Cross giggled. I took the pillow he threw at me and threw it back at him. The pillow fell to the ground. I got off of the bed." Pillow fight!" I shouted. We both started to grab pillows and throw them at each other. I threw a pillow at Cross who was in front of the door. He dodged it but then the door opened at hit Blue...

Ink came running up to the door and helped Blue up. When they saw what had happened, they came into the room and threw a pillow at us.

We all continued throwing pillows at each other and laughing for Ages. When we finally piped down blue told us that I had a letter from Nightmare. He handed me a letter and him and ink left the room. I opened up the letter and began reading it
"What does it say?" Cross asked. Peering over my shoulder.

"Dear Dream, I don't know how, and I don't know when, but you SOME HOW figured out my deepest secret. It was Cross wasn't it? I am going to kill him when I find him... I am not starting a war, I am letting you know that we WILL find you.
See you later, brother."

I sat there, astonished
"Dream are you okay?"
My eye sockets filled up with tears and I hugged cross
"Hey hey, what's wrong dream"
I gave him the letter and he read it all. He hesitated for some time then looked at me in the eyes.

"Dream listen to me, I promised I would protect you and I won't let him hurt either of us"
He said
"We can go to another safe place and I'll look after you"
"But w-what about ink and blue?" I asked
"And the rest of the empire, they'll be worried about us and Nightmare will hurt them!" I say starting to cry.

"Dream stop crying and look at me" he says
"I will not let him hurt ANYONE"
I smiled at Cross and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Crossy." I said. He blushed in response. I giggled. "So what do you have in plan?" I asked. Cross shook his head. "Well ummmm, since Chara can copy the code of almost anything that doesn't have a living soul, they can copy the code of your empire and move it to another location.

The one right now can be a decoy." Cross said. I looked at him in astonishment. "You could really do that?!" I asked. "Heh, yep. But you might want to get rid of anything important in there before we just leave that one behind." Cross said.

"I don't think there is anything really important besides our plans in the office." I say. "Yeah, might want to get rid of those. Don't worry, we can bring them along." Said Cross. We smiled at each other. "Ok, sounds like a plan." I say.

"I'll go tell Ink and blue I say"
I jump of the bed and run down to the living area, I see ink and blue sitting on the sofa.
"Ink, Blue! We need to pack all essential stuff, we're moving!"
I say

They stare at me with a confused expression.
"What do you mean we're moving?"
Blue asks
"Nightmare and his crew are planning to attack but that's not important, cross said chara can copy the code of our empire and we can go to another AU so the moon empire won't find us" I explain.
"Well we'll go pack then"
Ink says
They both get up and leave the room.

-Ink's POV-

As soon as we were told the news we got up and went out the door. Since we didn't know exactly where we were we teleported to our empire. "Alright, I'll go start packing in my room." I say. Blue nods and runs to his room happily. I open the door to my room and start putting things in bags. The things that I couldn't lift I just teleported outside of the safe house.

~time skip~

Once we both finished packing our stuff we told everyone else in the empire that we were safe and knew what to do. They soon started packing up as well.

~Dreams POV~

Once we had all finished packing, cross got Chara to copy the code of our empire and place it in anouther au. We all unpacked and got back to our usual jobs. Me and cross were in my bedroom talking.
"I'm glad we're safe now, but are you sure we won't get found?" I ask him. He smiles and says,

"Nightmare won't find us here, but if he ever did you would be safe because I'm here to look after you Dreamy"
"Thanks Crossy" I blush and lay down on the bed beside him.
Cross blushed aswell and went to lay down with me. Knowing that we were safe, I fell asleep.

-Cross POV-

Dream fell asleep next to me. "Heh, cute." I thought, I snuggle up to him and end up falling asleep too.


I woke up to movement. Dream was trying to get out of my grasp. "Let me goooo!" Dream complained. He almost got out, thinking I was asleep. I pulled him back in. "Cross!" Dream said. "Whaaat?" I cooed. "Let me gooo!" Dream Said still trying to get out. "Nope. You're staying right here."

I pulled him closer. "Crossy, I have an empire to take care of. Please let me go." Dream said. "Fine, but we WILL cuddle later." Cross said letting me go. "Thank you, and we will cuddle later. Now I have to make sure that the empire is ok." Dream said walking out of the door. But then he stopped, turned around, and blew me a kiss. I smirked.

I pretended to grab the kiss and plant it on my cheek. Dream blushed and walked out the door.

Killers POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT DREAM IS GONE!?" Nightmare yells. I sigh
"Boss I've told you already, I went to check up on dream and he was gone"
"I ORDERED HORROR TO GUARD HIM THOUGH!" Nightmare was clearly furious out of his mind.
Suddenly horror comes barging in

"Boss!!!" He shouts
"I was! But Cross helped him escape! It was that stupid traitor!" Horror shouts.
Me and Nightmare both look at him, confused.
"Did you just say Cross helped Dream?" Nightmare asked. He was trying to contain his anger but failed miserably.
"Yes boss! They left a few minutes ago" Horror replied

Me and horror both flinch but obey.
We go around the castle rounding up all guards and ordering them to look for Cross and Dream.

"Hey Kills? Wanna go on a hunting spree?"
I sigh
"No horror we are busy right now"
"Well Boss shouldn't notice If we leave for just a bit, we can ask Dust, red and error to join too"
"Ok, ok fine"
"Great! Now let's go get the others"
We go to find Dust, red and error who are chatting in the library.

"Hey Guys, want to go on a hunting spree?" Horror asked. Error stood up right a
way. Though Dust and Red thought about it for a little. "Alright we'll join. But if we get caught it's your fault." Dust said standing up. "Alright let's go!" Horror said swinging his axe playfully while walking.

No Ones POV~

Killer stabbed a monster and watched as it turned to dust.
"Hey guys, want to check out this Au?" Error asked making a random portal. "Sure, as long as it has loads of monsters." Killer said. They all jumped through the portal and into a forest.

"Ummm must of messed up the location a bit. Let me try again." Error said. "Wait stop, I hear voices." Dust said. Everyone went silent.
"Give it back!"
"Hehe, you have to get it shorty!"
"I am not short!"
"Pfft yeah sure."
"Guys, is it just me or does that sound like Cross and Dream?" Red asked.

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