Chapter 7

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Nightmares POV

I watched as they disappeared through the trees, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go and follow them however that would cause more chaos but if I went back to the castle I wouldn't know what to tell the others. I decided I would just take shelter in the forest and wait until the next morning to decide what to do, I was exhausted from fighting and it was starting to rain. I went the opposite way the Dream had went and found a willow tree, it was good enough to keep me dry for the night so I layed down beneath it and fell asleep.

A few hours later...

I woke up to see Killer shaking me awake. "Hey umm boss? What are you doing out here?" He asked. "Oh I was just...tired." I Said. "Well come on, let's head back." Killer reaches out his hand. I didn't want to go, I wanted to see my brother.. I took his hand then Immediately ran off to the Sun Empire. I could hear Killer shouting at me to stay away from the place, but I ignored him and kept running.
When we finally reached the castle killer let go of my hand.
"Nightmare I don't think this is a good idea!" I sighed and looked at him
"I need to see Dream and nothings stopping me"
I continue running and killer started chased after me.
"Nightmare Wait!!!"

Shattereds POV

Me and cross were sitting in our room then we heard distant yelling from outside the castle walls, It's sounded like.....
Killer and Nightmare.
I whipped my head around and looked out the window to see the two of them running at the empire. Well, more looked like Killer was chasing Nightmare. "Cross, stay here. I need to see what they are doing." I say getting up and running out the door. I reached the front door and opened it carefully. Killer stood his distance but Nightmare stopped when he saw me peeking around the door.
"Dream!" He said. I opened the door a bit more, keeping an eye on them both. "What do you want now?" I ask. "I..wanted to see you.." nightmare said. "Why would you WANT to see me after the fight?" I ask, starting to get suspicious. Nightmare hesitated for a moment then mumbled something, he looked slightly upset.
"What was that?" I asked
He mumbled something again slightly louder but I still couldn't understand.
"Speak up"
I flinched, taken aback by his sudden outburst. Killer was scared but didn't leave. Nightmares eyes filled up with tears
"I'm sorry I n-never realised how hard it w-was for you" he whispered. We just stared at each other for a while then I broke the silence.
"It won't be that easy to get me back Nightmare" I said. I was beginning to go back inside but nightmare grabbed my arm.
"Please...." he whispered. I sighed and pushed him away.
"Go find out how to get me back yourself" I shut the door and headed back up to my room.

Nightmare's POV

Dream shut the door in my face. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. Killer put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey..." I pushed his hand off and ran back to my empire. "Why did he do that?! I just want my brother back!" I thought, still running. When I reached the empire I quickly opened the door and ran up to my room. One minute later I heard a knock. "Boss I know your upset but you can't stay in there. We have a meeting." Killer said. "Cancel it." I mumbled. There was silence, and I heard him walk away.
I layed on my bed, I wanted to get dream back but I didn't know how. I could've done it the same way dream got me back but I didnt want to go back to my corrupted form. Whilst I was thinking, I fell asleep.

Killers POV

Nightmare seemed extremely upset, I thought it would've been for the best if I just listened to him and cancelled the meeting. I went back down to the meeting room and found the others sitting down.
"Nightmares cancelled the meeting" I said. They all stared at me, confused.
"But why?" Error asked.
"He's just.... a bit occupied at the moment..." I said
"It's for the best" I left the room and went back to nightmares room, I sat down by the door.

"Nightmare?" I said. There was no reply. I opened the door slightly and saw nightmare asleep.
"So cute...." I thought. I walked in closing the door behind me and quietly crawled onto the bed. I layed down beside him and fell asleep.

Shattered's POV

I felt arms wrap around me. "What happened?" Cross asked. "Apparently Nightmare thinks that I can forget what happened and forgive him." I say. "Well? Did you?" He asked. "Of course not! How could I just forgive him out of the blue?!" I say. Cross looked up at me. "But shouldn't you at least try to talk with him?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "I'll...consider." I say. Cross smiled at me and let go.

The next morning

Nightmares POV

I woke up feeling like something was clinging onto me. I turned my head a little an saw killer was holding onto me and he was fast asleep. I blushed like mad but he looked so peaceful, I didn't move. I thought I should just lay there till he woke up. I stayed there for a few minutes then he began to wake up.
"Had a nice sleep?" I asked
Killer flinched, he sat up and blushed.
I laughed gently and pulled him back down.
"It's okay kills" we both smiled.
"Are you okay?" He mumbled.
"What are you worried about me?" I laughed. He blushed even more.
"Shut up, I just wanted to know if your okay. You seemed pretty upset." He tightened his grip on me.

"I'm fine"
"I'm not so sure I believe you" killer said, he sat up and looked at me.
"I'm sure you'll get him back soon, you just need to be determined" he smiled.
"Thanks kills, I'm sure I can get him back I just dont know how"
He got off the bed and pulled me off too.
"We should go for a walk... to clear our minds." He said.
"Ok" He opened the door and we went down the hallway to go outside.

Cross's POV

Me and dream had fell asleep for a bit. I woke up and dream was still asleep, I stayed in bed since I didn't want to wake him. A few minutes later I got a bit bored so I tried to wake him up.
"Dreammm~?" I said
Dream opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Whaaaat?" He asked. I grinned evilly and pulled him off the bed and through the door.
"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?" Dream whined. He wanted to go back to sleep but I dragged him all the way through the hallways.

"We are going for a walk!" I said
When we got outside dream pulled me back.
"Crossss I cant be bothered"
I laughed at him
"Too bad!" I grabbed his hand and continue to run through the gardens. Dream had gave up on trying to go back so he just ran after me. When we reached the clearing we saw 2 people in the distance.... Nightmare and Killer

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