Chapter 2

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"No don't tell me Boss..." I thought. I continued to walk around the shiny castle. Nobody was here. I felt—no...I didn't know what I was feeling. Anger? Sadness? I ran out of the castle and teleported to Nightmare's castle. I heard yelling from Boss' room.
"Somebody told them something only I knew! How did Dream find out about that?!" Nightmare shouted. "Boss calm down, I'm sure there's a reason—" "No! They were probably spying on us!" Nightmare interrupted Killer. I backed away from the door. "I have to find Dream!" I thought.

I teleported back to the sun empires castle and I ran through every room trying to find someone. I walked into the dining room and saw blue crying with ink comforting him.
"What happend!?" I yelled
Blue and ink looked at me scared but angry at the same time.
"Who are you?" Blue asked
"Aren't you part of the moon empire!?" Ink asked, backing off.
"Yes Yes I am! But I promise I mean no harm, I'm dreams friend and I was worried when I couldn't find him!" I explained, trying to sound calm.
Ink looked at me with a confused expression.
"I thought you would've known, considering it was your daft group who took him"
"Well I didn't I swear. I was asleep at the time." I say. "If you were asleep, then why are you looking for him?" Ink asked. "Well I uhhhh.....I wanted to....sneak out and see him...But you can't tell anyone that I snuck out!" I said. Ink and Blue looked at each other for a moment, then back at me. "We'll trust you FOR NOW. Don't think we completely believe you yet." Ink said, standing up and helping Blue up. Blue cleaned up his tears. "You're really going to help us find him?!" Blue said. "Yeah, plus I know Nightmare's castle. It would be easier for me to sneak you guys in." I say. Blue started jumping up and down. "Thank you!" Blue said. I smiled, and teleported us behind Nightmare's castle.
"Do you know who took Dream?" I asked.
"I'm not certain but It would've most likely been killer who was sent." Ink said.
"Ok well we need to find a way to get you in without Nightmare or anyone else seeing you.
"Are you sure we'll be okay?" Blue asked
"Yeah you should be, Nightmare doesn't normally have guards patrolling he castle at this time"
"Well there better not be, if anything happens your the one to blame" Ink says, clearly mad.

"Calm down Ink, I already said that I wouldn't try anything. And I think our best route would be through the back hall, down to the library and into the holding cell. So long as nobody comes out of their rooms we should be fine." I say. Ink doesn't look like he trusts me yet, but nods.
I open the back door and look around the corner to check for people. I give them the, 'it's clear' sign and slowly walk down the hallway. Blue and Ink follow. I could hear people in their rooms, but I just kept walking. They would probably think that we were just some maids or guards. I open the door to the library and see Horror down there.
I slowly close the door hoping horror didn't see us
"Wha-" blue tried to ask but I stopped him.
"The coast isn't clear"
I whispered.
"What do you mean"
Ink whispered
"Horror is in the library"
I replied.
"We will have to find a way without horror seeing us"
Suddenly we start hearing voices, quite muffled but we could make out what they were saying.
"I don't trust cross"
"What do you mean?"
"He's always either locked in his room or outside and the sun empire seem to be learning more things however the guards don't notice them hanging around our castle"
"Yeah but you know how cross is"
We heard anouther voice butting in
"The guards are pathetic anyways, they never find out anything!"
"Well I still don't trust him"
I grabbed hold of ink and blues hands and ran away from the voices as they started to get closer. We ran around the corner just as I saw Red, Error and Dust entering the hall.
"Shoot, they're gonna find us!" I thought. I started going through my options. "I can't teleport into the holding cell because all magic is blocked from being used in there. If I teleport to a random location there could be guards. I could teleport to my room, no the other rooms are too close! Gah what do I do?!" Without thinking I teleported us to one of the bathrooms. "Please let no one be in here...Oh thank god!" I was relieved that nobody was in here. "What was that about?!" Ink yelled. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that they would be going down there by now!" I say. "Blue, let's Go." Ink sighed.
Ink grabs blues hand an begins to walk off
"Wait dont leave! Don't you want to find dream?"
I ask
"We don't need your help"
Ink says
"Your not even on our team"
"Exactly, that means I can help you get through the castle!"
Ink hesitates and looks at blue
"I just want to get Dream back." Blue said.
Ink paused and thought for a minute.
"We only want you to help us find dream, after that you will leave."
Ink says
"Ok, fine" I say
"Ok, this time you guys stay here. I'll go check to make sure that they leave." I say teleporting back outside the library. "Oh, hey Cross." Error said. "Hey, I was just going to get a book." I lied. "....ok..."Error said. I opened the door and started fake looking through books to make it look believable. "Whatcha doing Cross?" Horror asked me. "Just looking for a book on...fighting!" I say. "Welp ok then. I'm going to go to the bathroom, make sure nobody goes in the cell for me?" Horror asked. "Uhh ok sure!" I say. I wait while he walks away. I then quickly teleport to the bathroom that Ink and Blue were in. "We have to go, Horror is on his way in here." I say grabbing them and teleporting back to the library. Ink looks around for people, but it seems they all left or are lingering nearby. "Is that where they kept Dream?" Ink asked. "I think so. It's the only holding cell so if he was anywhere he would be in here." I say, opening the door.

-Dream's POV-

I was sitting in a chamber with my hands chained above my head. Nightmare had asked me how I knew his secret, but I didn't say anything. That made him furious and he gave me a few scratches and bruises but nothing that serious. I was there for a few hours but after a while the door opened. I flinched thinking it was nightmare but then I see Cross, Blue and Ink standing in front of the door. Cross runs up to me and hugs me. "Who did this to you?!" He asked. "N-nightmare.." I say. Ink comes over and looks at the chains. He takes out a lock pick and starts fiddling with the lock. Cross let's go of me and just looks at all of the scars. Ink finishes with the lock and my hands were free. I look at my arms a bit, and then hug Cross. "Thank you guys..." I said. "You're welcome, but we need to go before anyone finds us." Ink said. I let go of Cross and stand up slowly. We walk out of the chamber and our magic is slowly regenerating. I lean onto Cross a bit for support as we walk into the Library.
We run through the halls cautiously but come to a halt as we hear some voices, it sounded like killer and horror
"I'm on my way back to the library now"
"Ok, cya"
Suddenly the door opened and Horror came walking through

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