Chapter 5

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It does sound like them" Error says
"It might be them!" Shouts horror
"I think so"
Killer replied.
"We better go check"
They walk through the trees when they come across a clearing they see Cross and dream....

"Should we face them?" Error asked. "No, we need to get Nightmare first. Then we can attack." Dust explained. "But what if they are gone when we return?" Error asked. "Then at least two of us should stay here and watch. Horror, Killer, you two should stay." Dust said. The two nodded as the rest of them headed off to Nightmare's empire.

-Dream's POV-

"Crossy give back my staff!" I jumped up to reach it, but failed. "You have to reach me first!" Cross Stuck our his tongue playfully. I mumbled something rude under my breath and kicked Cross in the shin. "Owww, why Dream?!" Cross said dramatically. I reached for my staff and brought it to my side. "Just because I might be smaller than you doesn't mean I can't land a hit!" I said, helping him up.

"Well it's still true that your extremely small" Cross laughed
I kicked him across the shin again and started laughing,
"Who's the one laughing now?"
Cross doesn't reply and stops smiling.
He looked really concerned.
"Cross what are you looking at?"
I look behind me but see nothing.
"Uh cross?"
"Dream be quiet"

"Just be quiet. I think I heard something"
I stop talking for a few minutes but hear nothing.
"Cross I don't hear-"
Suddenly, we hear a twig snap.

-Error's POV-

As we return with Nightmare we can still hear the chatter of Dream and Cross. Nightmare was about to charge out at them, but had stood on a twig. *snap*
"Who's there?!" Cross shouts. We wait for a few minutes, and Nightmare jumps out of the bushes and tackles across down. "Cross!" Dream shouted. "Dream, Go get the others! I can hold him off!" Cross yelled rolling out from Nightmare's grasp. Dream hesitated, but ran.

-Dream's POV-
I could feel tears running down my cheek, but I had to get help. I continued to run down to my empire.
I flung the door open and shouted, "We are under attack! I need backup down by the forests!" I shouted. Ink, Blue and Outer came running down the stairs or one of the hallways. I then started to run back to the forest where everyone was.

~Cross's POV

I was clearly outnumbered, but I had to protect Dream. The entire Sun empire. I'm standing against a tree with my weapon in hand. Error sends his strings, and I just barely dodge them. Horror throws his axe and it hits my sleeve. "Just a Little cut, Not a direct blow." I thought. Then Dream came back with Ink, Blue and Outer. Blue charged over to Dust and started sending bone attacks and blasters at him.
Outer went for Killer, I was fighting mostly Nightmare. Dream went at Nightmare with me.
Ink was about to attack Error, but they stand there for a while not moving, they clearly didn't want to fight eachother. Ink then runs off to attack Horror. "Ink what the heck?!" Dream yells, but ink doesn't reply.

-Dream's POV-

I was busy trying to take out Nightmare, or at least weaken him a bit. I notice out of the corner of my eye socket that Nightmare was about to send one of his sharp tentacles at Cross. "Cross, your left!" I shouted. But it was too late... Nightmare had already broken through Cross' ribs and pierced all the way through.

"Cross!" I shouted, running to his side. Nightmare backed away and started to go after the others. I inspected the wound carefully, Nightmare didn't hold back. "It's ok Cross, I'm going to heal you!" I say putting my hand over his cracked soul. Cross had already lost Consciousness. I pulled my hand away and looked down at down at him.
Then, I snapped...

I looked at nightmare, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the negativity apple. Nightmare stared at me, confused and worried, he stopped fighting the others.
"What are you doing dream?" He asked. I didnt reply, I continued staring at him as I brung the apple closer to my mouth.

Nightmare suddenly started walking forward, realising what I was doing.
"Dream stop you dont know what your doing!" He shouts. Everyone stops fighting and look at me and Nightmare


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