Chapter 1

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The small voice of a young girl mumbles while looking at the small group of adults who had come from space. They all stare at the girl, a child who had just gunned down and speared criminals trying to kill them all. She came from out of nowhere, and somehow she knows Bellamy.

"She's just a kid..." he states, looking between her with the gun and the dead men on the ground.

The girl steps closer and looks at him, a smile appearing on her lips.

"Clarke knew you'd come!" And it was this statement that sent the adults in shock. Bellamy steps back slightly and chokes up.

"Clarke's alive?"

The girl smirks slightly before frowning. "She is, yes, but may not be for much longer. Clarke's in trouble and we need your help saving her."

"We?" Someone from behind Bellamy asks. The girl nods at Monty. "Wait what about the other in the bunker?"

"They're still there." She replies.

"What? No, no. How could that be?" Bellamy asks, but before Madi could another word, a scream echoes from the trees.

"Oh no... Augy!!" Madi takes off in a sprint through the trees, spacekru following suit.

Bellamy grabs her from behind, stopping Madi from going any further. She puts up a fight and he stops her from yelling at him. He tries to get her to be quiet and says they should scout out the area before going head first toward a scream, but she doesn't listen. Madi keeps trying to wiggle free, but the others surround her. She keeps fighting as another scream pierces the air, she wished she could explain but there wasn't time; her words are plain and simple.

"I promised Clarke I would keep him safe! Now let me go."

Bellamy sighs and does as she asks, leaving her to run off and the others to follow. She's close enough to the place of the scream to hear an invader talking through a radio while a little boy sobs and tries to flee.

"Got us a lost kid. Found him by himself in a hole. No sign of the girl yet." The radio goes static before a woman replies.

"Good work, McCloud. Bring him in."

The radio goes silent as the man drags the little boy to his feet. He tries as hard as he can to get away, but the man won't let him. As he's distracted with the boy, Madi jumps out from the bushes and points her gun at him. Before she could shoot, Bellamy comes from behind the man and puts him in a choke hold. The man gasps and let's go of the boy, leaving him to run away.

"Madi!" He cries, his blonde curly hair bouncing as he runs to her. She embraces him and looks him over.

"Augy, are you okay?" He nods and hugs her again, willing his fear to go away.

Bellamy keeps the man restrained but not for long. He struggles against him and tries to stab Bellamy, so, Madi shoots him. Augy, though his ears covered, still yells.

"It's okay, you're safe now." Madi tries to comfort him but his lower lip wobbles.

"Where's mommy? She was suppose to be back by now." Madi sighs and looks up at the spacekru adults, then a lightbulb forms from her mind.

"Hey, Augy, turn around." He does as she says and gasp, pulling out of her embrace.

"Daddy?" He says, looking at Bellamy. "Daddy!" Augustus runs at him and squeezes his legs tight. Everyone is baffled by the sight. "Mommy was right!"

Madi smiles while everyone else pales, including Bellamy.

"Come on, we have to save Clarke before it's too late." After a few moments the others are able to shake off a bit of shock.

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