Chapter 15

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It wasn't too difficult to find Octavia in the bunker. Some habits die hard. If she wasn't doing her duties leading Wonkru, or in the office planning, there was only one option left Bellay could think of- fighting. He makes his way towards the training room and finds his sister and Cooper clashing swords head to head, but it was obvious Cooper was holding back. For a minute Bellamy stayed by the door frame and observed. His mind wandering to what he should say to Octavia. There was the major problem of getting to the Valley without a war, the lack of food for everyone, her plan on killing innocent people for wanting to leave, and her banishment held over Echo.

There was so much to unpack it was a little overwhelming. And knowing the woman his sister is now, she's likely to deflect every subject of conversation that they need to have. But Bellamy knew they needed to talk one way or another whether she liked it or not.

"How about fighting someone who's not afraid of you." He speaks up, interrupting their fight as Cooper looses her sword. Both women glance his way before Octavia nods. Cooper grabs her weapon and tosses it towards Bellamy. 

"Your funeral."

Octavia makes the first advance, and Bellamy strikes back. Their swords clash loudly before each pull away. Octavia strikes forward while Bellamy jumps back, the tip of the blade missing by a hair. The siblings go head to head, bodies moving in a solid motion of defense as their swords strike and crash. Octavia swivels away her hair falling to frame her face. She tilts her head back to move it away as she says,

"You fight like Azgeda." Sure enough Bellamy's tactics were Azgadian based. But given his time in space with only one rained warrior, he didn't have many tactical options. He says as much before twirling the weapon in his hand, his stance ready for another round of fighting. And his sister doesn't not disappoint. 

They pair exchange several blows before Bellamy gains the upper hand and shoves Octavia away. "Lets get something straight. If Echo leaves so do I." At this Octavia stands abruptly. Anger, hurt, and steaming disgust rolling of her body. 

"You would leave your friends, your family, for her? You would leave your son and Clarke, for the spy?!"

Bellamy keeps the flinch of her rising tone at bay while he dodges a sudden leap from her sword. "No, Octavia. We're all going to leave. Me, Monty and Harper, Clarke and the kids. All of us."

"You're lying."

He advances towards her, swinging his weapon in air to bore down on hers. She steps back and uses both hands on her handle to push back, causing Bellamy to move. "Am I? Because we both know I will never leave Clarke or my son ever again." 

Moments go by , the siblings continuing on with their fights, both running out of breath. "Echo is not your enemy anymore. You don't even now her."

"No. But I know what she's done. Gina at Mount Weather." Octavia steps forward, her sword high in the air as she brings it down. Bellamy retaliates using his own to deflects. "Illian in the Conclave," Again she strikes, but this time to the left, Bellamy's balance faltering slightly. "Me on that damn cliff!"

As she stands there holding her side from a sharp kick delivered from Bellamy he swivels to the side and strikes her again before lowering himself to the round and kicking her feet from beneath her. The breath in her lungs instantly flees as she hits the hard metal flooring below her. Bellamy stands, towering over his sister as he tosses his weapon aside. 

"We all have things to answer for. Each and every one of us. Things that shouldn't be forgiven but are. Echo is no different. And I know you don't trust her, hell you don't even know her as a person, but a spy. A puppet used war after war. All I ask is for you to give her a chance. Prove to you that she has changed. Six years is a long time, O. And from where I'm standing Echo isn't the only one to have changed. "

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