Chapter 13

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Bellamy makes his way through the bunker, up the stairs, and above ground. He had caught sight of his sister walking with Cooper and knew the path to take to find her. Just before he could make his way there, however, someone else got in his way. Echo. He silently cursed to himself as she stood in front of him. She was yet another reason he needed to speak to his sister. She banished Echo six years ago, and given her recent behavior, it didn't look like she was in a forgiving mood. 

"Hey, we need to talk." Echo stands in Bellamy's way as he enters through the door from the bunker to the ground. 

"No we don't. Not right now." 

A hand grasps Bellamy's arm forcefully, enough to make him stop in his tracks. His eye move to where the hand was placed before he pulls away. Echo is glaring daggers his way, just like she had when she was an Azgada spy. Bellamy knew she changed a lot over the years on the Ring.  Even though it took him three years to even look her way, let alone forgive and talk to her, she proved herself down the line. What he had with Echo was fleeting-meant to fill a void that had been consuming him for years- and he though it was working, only to find out it did not. The second his eyes landed on Clarke he knew his relationship with Echo was a sham. A way to feel something, anything, again after losing the woman he truly loved.

He never lied to Clarke when he said Echo wasn't important to him, especially right now. What was important was his family, and that family included Clarke their son, and Madi. A child he hoped to to see as his own one day. Or at least she would see him as a father. The moment he saw her, her fierce nature and innocence, he knew he was a goner. She was so much like Clarke he wondered how the girl was biologically hers. The three of them were his main priority, and after the theatric Echo had been throwing around to emphasize their relationship status to everyone, he's been more or less avoiding her at every turn.

"Yes we do." Her voice left no room for argument but Bellamy was on a time crunch. Octavia was pulled left and right by her duties to Wonkru, and while the people were crippled and worn from the storm, it didn't stop her busy schedule. He needed to talk to her now.

"I'm kind of busy. I need to speak to my sister." Echo nods silently and follows his lead. He groans silently, but the pouring rain drowned it out. It didn't take long for the older Blake to find his sister. The woman was standing in the middle of a clearing, looking out at her people. "Octavia! I'm glad to see you back on your feet. I-"

"What is she doing here?" The sharp tone in question took Bellamy by surprise, although it rally shouldn't have. Octavia's seen Echo before, he's sure of it, when they all came from the rover. And he knew his sister wasn't happy about her presence, but since that day it was never spoken of again. Until now. Might as well bit the bullet and talk about one subject at hand. But before Bellamy could speak Echo opens her mouth. 

She thanks Octavia- of all things she could do or say- for saving her people. And Bellamy knew instantly what a mistake that was. Just before Octavia spoke against her. 

"They are not your people. Azgeda is a memory. There is only Wonkru and there is no place in it for you." Bellamy interjects before anything could go out of hand, given the horrific glare Octavia was giving to Echo.

"Look I know you two have history, but Echo has proven herself dozens of time on the ring. She's changed. And I think you should give her a chance to prove that to you."

"A chance? This isn't the ring, Bellamy. And my decision on her banishment still stands."


"I don't forgive people who try to kill me that easily. Or have you forgotten that?" Bellamy keeps his eyes on his sister, not letting a sign of weakness present, and yet she knew she struck a nerve. "Stabbed and pushed off a cliff, left for dead. Then she tried to kill me in the conclave to ensure Azgeda got the bunker." Echo keeps her expression emotionless, but Bellamy knew better. She did regret her decisions, he knew that. But he could never forget the fear and anger she out in him those days. "Or when she tried to kill Clarke? The mother of your child. Don't think I haven't seen the scornful eye she gives my nephew, big brother. My decision stands. She has 24 hours. If she's still here till then, she fights in the arena."

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