Chapter 11

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As the next morning rises, everyone begins to wake. Clarke watches as Augy ad Madi stir quietly, both snuggling into her sides to feign more sleep. She chuckles lowly before sitting up for a stretch, shaking her little ones awake for breakfast. Madi grumbles while her little brother all but crawls in Clarke's lap to go back to sleep. The action causes her to laugh and carry him outside, Madi tucked close to her side. When they reach a small fire nearby she hands the kids her rations to eat. While it wasn't nearly as much as they were use to, neither complained.

Augustus woke more as he sat by his sister, nibbling on the food handed to them. Clarke smiles at them and sits beside them, picking up Augustus and sitting him down in her lap. He leans back against her chest and she kisses his cheek, ruffling the blonde curls in his hair as Madi cuddles up to her side, her head on Clarke's shoulders. 

The moment was calm and peaceful, which was a rarity in the last several days. Though Clarke wasn't going to complain. She missed mornings like this with her children, the quiet serenity to start the day. But today was far from what they were use to. Rather than sitting by the fire to eat breakfast before going to the lake for a swim or venturing into the woods to play or train, she and her children were in the middle of the desert, surrounded by a savage army cult, and on their way to the remains of a demolished city lost to memory over the years.

While lost in thought, Augy jumps up suddenly from Clarke's lap and takes off in the fastest sprint she's ever seen. Only to turn and see him swing in the air in the arms of his father. Bellamy's laugh is deep but light, doing things to her heart that it never should. Not anymore...

"Hey little man! How'd you sleep?"

"Really good! Mommy came late but finally fell sleep." He smiles, only to turn into a frown soon after. "Where were you, daddy?"

Clarke can visibly see the stricken look on Bellamy's face as he gulps, his gaze finding hers. She looks away and down at Madi, whom was giving her a sympathetic glance. She was too smart for her own good.

"It was a long day, buddy. I uh, slept in my own tent for the night."

"By yourself?" The little bot tilts his head in confusion, his curls falling out of place. Bellamy smiles at that and moves them out of his face. 

"Yeah, by myself." At hearing this Clarke's eyes widen. Bellamy slept alone last night. Echo wasn't with him... She shakes off the thought of what that could mean and calls out for Augustus before he could ask anymore prodding questions.

The little boy grins and wiggles free from his father to run back into his mother's arms. "Come on, finish your breakfast. You need it for the long adventure today."

"Are we going back home, mommy?" Augy asks, his bright blue eyes looking up at Clarke.

"Not yet, baby. We will soon, though. Okay? First we go to Polis for a few days and figure some stuff out. Then we go home."

"And we can go swimming!? Please mommy! Pleeease!! We can show daddy the waterfall!"

Madi chuckle beside them, covering her smile as Augy sticks out his tongue, making Clarke laugh on her own. "Sure. You can show your dad the waterfall, but we have to settle everything first. There are more people who will live in the Valley with us. And we have to figure out how to make room for everyone. Make sure its safe. Understand?"

"Yep!" He pops the 'p' and starts to nibble on the rest of his rations, playing around with Madi as he does. The little girl giggles and plays back while Clarke's attention wonders else. On the man watching them all. Bellamy wasn't sure if he was welcome to join or not, seeing as he didn't want to intrude on the little families morning. But one look at Clarke and he knew it was okay.

He sits beside Clarke and Augy wedges himself between them on the sand, the book now in his lap as Madi flips through the pages to read aloud. The adults don't mutter a word to one another, not wanting to disturbed the little bubble the children have created in the atmosphere around them. It was nice, calm, and quiet. Just a small moment in time, peace in the middle of war.

Eventually the rest of Wonkru rise and the journey begins. Clarke stays close with her children, Bellamy not far behind. When Augy or Madi tire of walking for too long they climb on his back and rest, much to Clarke's own amusement. She laughs the first time Augustus attempts to climb up his leg, startling Bellamy. He laughs and tosses Augy up over his neck and he rests his shoulders over his father head, nearly falling asleep in minutes time. 

When they arrive at Polis, everyone stops to rest. Most stay above ground and rebuild tents or take shelter in the somewhat stable structure of the remaining buildings in the area. The rest go down in the bunker to plan.

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