Chapter 8

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Day turns into night and Clarke decides it is time for the kids to get to bed. Augusts holds her hand in his as they walk back to their tent followed by Bellamy. She tells starts to tell a story as she does every night, knowing Madi and Augy love hearing about the hundred and all others from space, but not tonight. Instead of listening to their mother, Augustus asks if his dad could tell it instead. After all, Clarke had always said Bellamy was a much better story teller than she was. As the little boy had said this, his father looks to Clarke in surprise, but she doesn't meet his gaze. Bellamy frowns at her resistance to look at him. She's done this all day long. But soon enough he smiles softly to look at his son, ready to tell a story; and a new one at that. One of a princess from space, the savior of her people.

Clarke rises to walk out but her son reaches for her hand again making her chuckle. She shakes her head with a grin as Augy snuggles into her chest, his arm draped around her and holds on tight. She feels him start to relax and drift off already.

Bellamy looks at them in wonder, his heart skipping a beat as he realizes what he is seeing. Clarke and his son laying down for bed time. Their son holding onto his mother as he is about to fall asleep. Bellamy startles when Clarke clears her throat and he realizes he was staring. Madi walks into the tent, seeing as it was late and Octavia likely mentioned she should get back to Clarke, she lays beside her adoptive mother. Right next to her on her right side where the space was. free She wasn't tucked in as Augustus, but close enough. Clarke lays her arms open and holds them on either side of her, a loving smile on her lips.

Bellamy clears his own throat and snaps out of his trance before telling the story. Clarke looks up at him as he speaks, recognition and longing passing over her eyes, a darker blue casting in her gaze as she looks away.

He stops talking when he hears Augy softly snoring and Madi sighing, snuggling deeper into the blanket around her. Clarke laughs lightly before carefully pulling away and placing a kiss on their heads. Neither of them wake up after. Bellamy leaves the tent to follow after Clarke, the need to talk to her deep and growing.

"Hey." He calls out in a low tone, but she doesn't stop. "Clarke." And she still keeps walking. He grumbles to himself before running after her, pulling at her elbow. She glares and yanks out of his grasp.

"What do you want, Bellamy?"He looks offended.

"What do I want? I think its pretty obvious what I want Clarke." She lifts a brow and he shakes his head. "We need to talk about Augustus." Clarke rolls her eyes before turning away.

"There's nothing to talk about. He's your son. That simple." He reaches for her again and she stops.

"No its not that simple"

"There's nothing more I can say!" she yells before lowering her voice, conscious of the onlookers around them. "We were together a long time ago. I got pregnant and had Augy while you were in space with-" She gulps and stops mid sentence, her eyes darkening and gleaming. "There was nothing I could do. Okay? I couldn't tell you because I didn't know. By the time I did... it was too late. You were long gone."

"Clarke..." He pleads, holding her hand in his. She shakes her head and pulls away, her eyes glued to the sand beneath them. The conversation alone was too much. She couldn't take much more. Before he knows it she pulls away and goes back into the tent with her kids, no longer in the mood to say anything else.

She needed space, and time, he understood that. A lot was happening in just one day and they needed time to soak it all in. He learned Clarke was alive, they have a son, people from old Earth came back through sleeping for a hundred years. To top it off  everyone in the bunker has changed, and his sister... is now the red queen. Great. Because that was a can of worms Bellamy wanted to open tonight.

Octavia has changed so much over the years. Maybe it was time to reconnect for a little while. Maybe she could even offer help with Clarke. Hopefully...

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